9dpo - bit of advice ladies?

Me too fx for u I'm having funny signs to due Tuesday x
I'm out. My temp was still high this morning so I tested using my monitor. Negative. Then I got to work n was greeted with a light red flow. Gutted.

My LP is usually 14/15days. But this was 12. Should I be worried??
Don't b mrs, my cycles were wacky last month but have gone back to normal this month. Sorry to hear ur out, same here and feeling sad :-( x
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oh no! sorry :(

I have mostly 13 day LP but occasionally I can come on 10 or 11 dpo! I read about it and it can mean that that egg was weak as was the corpus luteum that contained the egg and was resonsible for producing progesterone which maintains the lining - if the corpus luteum doesn't produce enough for long enough your lining starts to break down earlier - and AF starts! If you get that kind of cycle all the time then it's mor of a worry, but every now and then is ok :)
Would love to know what my body is up to!! I seem to have stopped bleeding. I've had nothing since 3pm. What's going on with me. Grr!!
Bleeding has def stopped. Nothing this morning n temp still high.

Will just have to see what happens over the weekend I guess. Don't think it was implantation tho as some was red yesterday?! Hope I don't have a problem with my monthlys.
It could be IB I've read a few ppl who said they had bright red flow and it turned out to b IB, I'd check tmz/Sunday if I were u! Good luck x
I've been bleeding again today, not even a light flow tho.. But it was red.. So I'm putting myself as CD1 cuz I'm fed up.. lol x
what a nightmare AF! I have had that happen, hardly anything then back on...... if temps don't come down and you don't get what you feel is a proper af I would test again just to be sure.

AS one cycle I had bright red bleeding on 10dpo for 36 hours, then it stopped and changed to clear cm, I tested and bfp! unfortunately tho for me my temps had already dropped and af came on the next day so was a chemical.
My temps are still up.. If its still up tomoro I may test again..

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