Bit of an upset tummy..


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2008
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Just a little thing i wanted to share & see if its just me...
....Occording to my opk result i ov'd last Monday and managed to do a little BD the day before, i would say since around the weekend just gone I've had a bit of a dodgy tummy (bit upset & crampy - mild)!! I'm not eating any differently & its not constant but 'there' if you know what i mean. (i get a bit of a funny tum sometimes during AF - normally the 2nd day in) but no AF as yet? (still also unsure as to cycle lengths as only 2nd month off the pill) Its gone off a bit now but also feel rather full of air most days (sorry if TMI) :think:
I've never monitored my cycles before this month so no idea if its normal for me after ov.... anyone else had anything similar after they ov'd maybe?
feeling windy is deffinately a good pregnancy indicator from what i've read as are crampy feelings and upset tummy- sounding very positive. Also your luteal phase(the time between ovulation and af) will always be constant (give or take a day) for u though no matter what the length of the total cycle (it is the follicular stage that varies in length). An average luteal phase is 14 days. As u use opks and are pretty sure u ovulated last monday u should be able to get a pretty accurate hpt result around sunday. Good luck!!!!
puds great reply!
I didn't realise your luteal phase rarely altered!
I guess that is reasuring if you don't know whether you are late or not but know when you ovd!

Broodybean! fingers crossed for you honey, as you know I have also been a bit gassy recently but don't want to build up any hopes that im pg!

Does anybody know how early into pg gassiness or stomach cramps would start?
When I got my bfp I was very bloated, constipated, had stomach cramps and couldn't stop burping!!

Here's hoping it's a good sign. Do you have any other symptoms?
i had;
severe flatulence :lol:
constipated and diarrohea

all in the 4 or 5 days before my bfp!!
Hi Ya

I got a + on opk last weekend and I am feeling like that too.
I am very windy and I just have a strange crampy feeling.
I also have a sore throat and bit of a cold (could be a bug though)
I do feel like this could be it though; hope it is for you too :pray: :hug:
oooh ladies! sounding good!! :pray: for good luck for you (and me too obviously :lol: )
Thank you all for your good luck messages....fingers everso crossed for me! Woop Woop! :D :D :pray:

HannahD, I've had a few other things i've noticed, other than the bloated tummy & gassyness (& the runnyness too!).... I had a few spots - normally a spot free person even in the run up to AF - the main thing is for about the last week I have had next to no patience (again i'm generally a very tolerate & laid back person) and silly little things have really wound me up and niggled.....i do sometimes get that in the form of PMT but it lasts never more than a day...

Puds, thank you for your post, really informative as i didnt realise that about the luteal phase thing!! :doh: I just assumed if you didnt know how long your cycles were you were a bit in the dark about when you'd be due AF!!

Hope all you other gassy ttc'ers are experiencing early pg signs..... :hug:

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