

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Im sooo fed up with being pregnant right now
i know it sounds awful and i want my baby 2 b healthy but i honestly wanna just cut her out right now!!!
I have had the WORST heartburn ever since about 5 o clock today, i cant sleep i cant do anything i cnt even put tv on or anything as oh keeps moaning at me tht hes trying 2 sleep. iv tried gaviscon tabs and liquid, water, ice, milk, mints. i have nothing left. small meals dont work, i think i better give up trying to eat anything cos i cannot bear another night of this
Iv never ever felt this bad. iv tried to throw it all up but it wont work.
I dunno wat else to do :( i just want sleep.
sorry for rant and for feeling sorry for myself its just exhaughsting and he doesnt understand and i have nowhere else to say this. Asda is quite far and i have even considered walking down to get some gaviscon tabs even tho im sure they wont work, dont wanna go out in cold and dark and oh will kill me in morn if i do anyway xx sorry again for rant
aww hun :hug: :hug: iv felt pretty crappy today i think maybe its just the weather getting cold, that makes all the difference to how i feel usually.. how about run yourself a bath and have a hot milky chocolate. that has to work ;) xx :hug:
i wud love a bath but wud wake bro up and hes got work in a few hours, also oh wud prob moan even more hes alredy screamed at me as hes trying to sleep, its like for F sake what about me then! and he just said well u havnt got to go to bloody work. still not nice feeling like crap tho! x
Tell him and you dont have to wander around with a backpack of bricks on the wrong way round do you, no then shut up !! Cheek of it, make him get you a load tomorrow, iv found rennies are amazing too if you havent tried them they might be worth a go, hope its worn off a bit now and you get some sleep !!

You poor bloody thing, cant get away with anything can ya :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww :hug: your post made me feel loads better :) i dunno why he cant just shut up and put his arm around me insted of just whining all night i went and sat on landing in end!!! still not been to sleep but heartburn has vanished as iv just vomited allover bedroom floor. cant even hold down a glass of water!
maybe iv got thiss viral thing going round iv never had anythuing like this b4.
he just left me when iwas shaking on the stiars this morn! i just rung him and told him i was sick and he was like oh ok well bye then!!! tghen he rung back, he must be feeeling badcos he sed he will clean it up when he gets home and for me to stay in bed.
id rather clean it tho he wont do it properly lol. men.
got midwife this afternoon if i feel up to it, so ill tell her evrything x thanks for lovely msg! x
ive tried everything now hun and im finding rennies the best get some today and see how you go :hug: tell your o/h to F*** O** :evil: xxxxxxx
haha i did he has got some serious sucking up 2 do this afternoon.
mum just came round with lucozade, was hoping shed come in and tell me to get in bed and clean the sick off carpet for me but no such luck lol. tough love.
been having quite strong bh aswell this morning and they not been too nice. rennies eh i think ill get some on way to midwives later, gosh i dont feel like walking to town then getting the bus up there today!! xx
I hope your a bit better this morning. you know you can rant anytime, thats what we're here for and we all do it.
my OH's the same he says i've got it lucky that i dont have to go to work. He seems to forget about the person i carry around all day, the broken rib, the backache, the sickness, the tiredness, the lack of energy to even get upstairs ect ect!!
He doesnt drive and i do so now he seems to think im an on call taxi. i could be laying on the floor holding my ribs and he'll still ask for a lift the next day. I was too bad to take him this morning so rather than cycle like he should he spent £15 on a taxi AGAIN! Like we can just blow that sort of money.
Ooops sorry i go tinto my own rant there.

When he does my head in i just take my self off to a friends house or my mums. Treat yourself and do something girly. Sometimes you'll just feel better being with girls, even if they've never had kids of thier own girls are more understanding and will make you feel better.
Big hugs for you :hug:
Oh hun, hope your feeling better soon. You know your not alone. I just feel so sick at the moment and really feel ready to meet my baby, but also want them to cook inside of me a little longer. I don't enjoy this stage of pregnancy. :hug:
Thanks for the lovely posts girls, feeling much better emotionaly now. still feel really ill tho, and sorry for tmi but its coming out the other end now if u know what i mean.
I think iv defo got this bug thing thats going round, i dont think i vomited this kmuch even in tri 1! cant even seem to keep down a glass of water! thanks again :D :hug: :puke: :cry: xxx
Oh gosh I hope your feeling better soon! Heartburn is horrid and if you have a bug too it will be so much worse! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
The best thing I took for heartburn with my other 3 was a little bit (half a tea spoon) or bicarbonate of soda in about and inch of warm water! Down in one! Usually makes you burp and then its gone! Unfortunately this time it makes me sick! :( So Bisodol tablets have been my savior!
aww hun have some :hug: :hug: hope you managed to get some :sleep: i know what its like with the heartburn now i have been having it for the last 2 weeks and its horrible
aww hun, I'm really sorry your feeling so shitty and crappy :( I really hope you get well soon.. I hope you got some sleep! Your OH needs to realise that its really not easy being pregnant, I hope he gets you some gaviscon.

I really think you need some of these :hug: :hug:
awww sweety im sorry i didnt mannage to reply again lastnight.. i hope he packs his ideas in sharpish as he with be a daddy soon ! he needs to support you alot better than that and should jump out of bed to help you if you need it! i know at this stage my OH would and has... he tucked me into bed lastnight and told me not to move today untill hes back from work later to help me he even put the laundry on :O but i cant say he was like this a few weeks ago. :pray: ing he snaps out of it for you sugar big :hug: :hug:

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