9 + 3 wks all over


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2014
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Today I would of been 9+3.
I've been to epu for a scan where there is nothing remaining inside just a few clots left to pass.
Started bleeding Monday (9+1) one clot when I wiped. Have been light bleeding since with no clots no cramping no pain. Midwife wanted to wait a few days but I go away Monday so ended up with a scan today.
Knew before I got there that it was over, what will be will be is my saying.
Glad I had a scan and know without having to wait, also please everything has passed. Hoping the transvaginal scan will of dislodged the remaining clots.
Have some antibiotics to prevent infection.
Been told to use contraception for a month have the nex period then I'm free to try again and that is exactly what I plan to do.

Have been very clinical and matter of fact about things, had my cry Monday when first saw the blood. I dnt feel sad I feel relieved I know what's happening.

Am I supposed to feel like this, I don't feel like I need to grieve becaus I never saw anything so to me theres nothing to grieve. - thts my personal belief and I know everyone's different.

This was only my second pregnancy - first got me my boy last July xxx
It doesn't matter what you feel
Just feel whatever comes to you
Theres no right or wrong
Look at it as a blessing that you feel semi-ok about it although in the back of your mind prepare for that to possibly change. It might all of a sudden hit you xx
I'm sorry for your loss. Having had 3 mc there is no right or wrong way to feel, and how you feel now could be different to how you feel later.
Im so sorry Lanny, agree you might find greif comes later, just do what you want now, big hugs
Lanny - I'm so sorry for you. I think how you are thinking about it is totally right, or at least that's how ive tried to think about what I am going through at the moment. It's a tough thing for anyone to experience.

As soon as I am able to I plan to try again asap as well.

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