7 weeks tomorrow and.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
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my nausea has suddenly disappeared! Woke up this morning expecting the usual feeling like crap and total exhaustion..... and felt absolutely fine. Now someone please tell me that this is normal, since its my first I moaned when i got it, but now its gone im worried something might be wrong! I know this is probably me worrying for nothing, but would just love some reassurance from people who have experience this please
I didnt have any morning sickness at all! I was a bit worried but I had my scan and baby is fine so I wouldnt worry too much. It will probably come back in a couple of days so make the most of it! :D
i had it on and off some days id be really sick but other days i just felt normal
I had it constantly until recently it's more on and off and the feeling better bits are getting longer :cheer:
Don't worry hun just enjoy feeling a little better :hug:
i didnt have any morning sickness. to tell u the truth i didnt hav many preg symtoms at all, just tiredness i think oh and headaches

take care xx
I didnt have any morning sickness either - and to be honest I was very grateful!!

I cannot imagine throwing up all the time, and feel very sorry for everyone who has been in this position.

Your body is probably adjusting well to the new hormones.....
I have it one day and not the next, i was thinking the other day actually oooh my sickness seems to have died down loads this week and then the next day i was fit for s**t felt sooo awful, didn't actually throw up but i felt it in the back of my throat ALL day till iw ent to bed... yuck!!
Well my M/S has been coming and going since my first post, which was very reassuring. boobs are now incredibly sore all the time, and i have had to go up 2 sizes in bra!!!! am only 7.5 weeks!

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