7 weeks and no symptons anyone?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hey girls

I'm 7+2 yet have no symptons at all. No sore breasts or morning sickness etc etc. I had an early scan at 6+2 and saw the pregnancy and a heartbeat yet I'm still really concerned about the lack of symptons and am worried that something has happened in the last week.

Is anyone else 7 weeks with no symptons?

Thank you!
I'm not 7 weeks but I've had hardly any symptoms. Felt a little sick but not been sick had itchy breasts a little and had like period pains for a day.

Just let everyone envy you :)
i never really had none with codie either tbh!!

but im sure your envied by someone hows having a rougth first tri lol!!
consider yourself VERY lucky!!!! I've heard of several people that don't get very many symptoms or hardly at all. It's just the way your body handles the changes and obviously it's doing quite well!!! I'm 5 weeks and I get the cramping thats expected and my boobs feel like they're just one big bruise but no sickness yet!!! Hope it continues like this for you :lol:
Lucky you! then agian mine didnt kick in till 8 weeks :P And i STILL get morning sickness :P
I had no symptoms at all with my last baby only a touch of tiredness. It was great lol xx
i didnt get my symptoms til 7wks+6days......nausea is awful. and those weird cramps.....its not painful but jus uncomfortable at times esp when u get cosy and turn suddenly. and its my nipps that are sore. anything and i mean ANYTHING brushes across them u want to hit the ceiling!!!! be happy.

when i didnt have any symptoms i kept taking pregnancy tests to make sure i was actually pregnant lol

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