No Symptons at 5.5 wks - Normal? Experiences pls


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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Hi there

Just joined this Forum website today and already doing my Second post...

I am 5.5 weeks and dont really have any symptons as yet - boobs are a bit sore , and sometimes I think that I need to urinate more (but then i think maybe I am just trying to drink more water than I usually do)

When / at how many weeks did people start experiencing any symptons - as I dont feel nauseous / headachy/ or funny about smells or food or anything but maybe its too early for that & i am worrying about nothing!

As I explained in my previous thread - I had two early miscarriages this year ( both at about 4.5wks) so i am obviously VERY over cautious and a bit paranoid so any advice / experiences people have had would be great

Thank you
Only symptoms I'm having is very sore boobs. Occasional cramps a few waves of sickness but that's it.

Stay positive honey xx
The only symptoms I've really had are overwhelming tiredness (which seems to have come back :(), my boobs have a mind of their own apparently and slight stretching pains. Apart from that I've gotten away very lightly with it :dance:
Every pregnancy is different, have you got a mw yet that you can talk to? xxxxxxxxx
I didn't have any symptoms other than weeing more until about 7 weeks. Don't worry Hun. It is still very early and chances are they will come in a week or two.
I can see why ur worried and its completley understandable but im 8 weeks and i have very little symptoms.
The sore boobs & extreme tiredness are my worst. I was meant to have a skype chat with my boyfriend whos away for a few weeks and i havnt seen in ages and sleep won the competition and i was way to tired to move from bed :)
Baby:1 Daddy: 0 :)
Ul get symptoms not to worry just enjoy & relax with the fact its all going smoothly :) xxx
im 5 - 6 weeks and have hardly any symptoms, just tiredness, some back pain and sore boobs, sicky feeling that comes and goes x

im 10 weeks now and have had very little symptons just sore boobs and feeling really tired, occasionaly i feel sick but that is it.......everyone has different symptoms or none at all so try not to worry!!

my previous two pregnancies i suffered sickness and heartburn from day 1 till the end, so im kinda enjoying that this one is different although it feels weird to pregnant and not being bad at the same time :) im sure everything is ok xx
My symptoms did start in 5-6th week. Don't wish the sickness feeling though, it's yuck!! Sore boobs is great symptom though!!
It can be normal to have no symptoms, im 7 weeks and ive still had nothing that indicates to me im pregnant, so dont be concerned, just think of yourself as incredibly lucky as lots of ladies will have everything under the sun :)

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