

Feb 29, 2012
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Last week I had quite bad cramps for 2 days as I first found out that I was expecting.

Since then apart from being tired, I havent really had any other symptons, no sickness, no more cramps, boobs are not tender.

When have your symptons usually kicked in I am 5 weeks and worrying for the sake of worrying that everything will be ok x
Hello! :wave:
You sound like one of the lucky ones to me lol! My boobs started to ache around 6-7 weeks and I had morning sickness from about 8 weeks to 13 weeks so you sound just like I was. It is worrying when you can't see or feel anything but the chances are everything's absolutely fine :). Enjoy not being curled around the loo 24/7 :D.

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:blue:Member Of Team Blue:blue:
I am around 6 weeks I think?? Lol. I had sore boobs the whole time and Sunday other symptoms kicked in so now feeling Ill all the time and it's horrible. Make the most of no symptoms. Good luck and congratulations
Thank you both!

I think I was worrying because cramps didnt last long and with not many other symptons I was worried that things wasn't settling in as they should.

From the sounds of it though I should make the most of it now because it may all happen in the next few weeks xx :)
Hehe! Unless you get something like bleeding or unbareable cramps then you don't need to worry :). Let's hope it doesn't catch you when you least expect it! One minute you're walking round ASDA and the next minute BAM, you have to run to the loo because you're baby decides egg and bacon sarnies are not their favourite! All fun and games :D.

Make a pregnancy ticker
:blue:Member Of Team Blue:blue:
To put ur mind at rest other than my boobs hurting and a couple of days where I felt sick I had nothing lol. I'm now 25 weeks and still been lucky most of the way through. Xxx
I have full bbs, acid reflux, tiredness and the occasional headache.
Hi hun, sometimes I have no symptoms at all but when I do, I have achey boobs and morn sickness (which is most morns now). Sometimes I get stretching pains too across my lower stomach xxxx

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I have nausea from hell, sore BB's, occasional sharp pains on both sides and tiredness, have had all these since finding out although nausea started bout 6 weeks xxx
I am 5 weeks 4 days and got some nasty morningsickness and green around the gills feeling every day until lunch for about a week but then it stopped totally. This morning I had a dizzy spell and nothing else. I think it varies on a day to day basis, a bit like women who are going through the change. I almost wish that I had super strong vommy feelings back all day becauseat least it seems that I am really pregnant. Is it weird that I have been taking a pregnancy test twice a week just to make sure I'm still preggers? Lol.

It's still really early to be getting symptoms too plus Iread that a quarter of women don't get morning sickness at all.
Enjoy not having any symptoms.....apart from the sickness and tiredness and the occasional sore bbobs when I lean forward (if no bra on) there was one day where I didny feel sick and I worried didny last long obviously minion was just having a rest soon made me feel its presence haha xx
symptoms tend to start around 6 weeks x
i am 6 weeks and 5 days dont have any symptoms, i am just bloating little bit
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Hiya, i am just over 5 weeks too and basically no symptoms too. I guess we should enjoy it while it lasts :)


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