7+6 and no heartbeat


Apr 15, 2014
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Just got back from my first ever private scan of my first ever pregnancy after trying for almost 2 years. Going off my own dates I was 7+6 and found it measuring perfectly to date but no heartbeat. To say I'm devastated would be an understatement. Plus because I haven't had any bleeding or cramps iv got to wait over the bank holiday to be seen by the EPU. Sorry to put a dampener on things, just had to vent :(
Awww swift, I am so sorry. But maybe if you have another scan there will be a hb. There is a lady in another group here that was told her baby had no hb so she requested a 2nd scan and there it was.
I don't want to give you false hope, but I would get a second opinion. I did thst, ehen I lost my son at 23 weeks. I asked for someone else to come and check once more before they induced me...
Big big hugs to you for now.
Thank you,
I'm clinging onto a tiny shred of hope that it may be the case. The private clinic has suggested a second scan but she just didn't seem hopeful at all. Going to the EPU on Tuesday with everything crossed.
Think it's worse because the image was put up on a 50 inch screen of a perfect little 8 week dot, and she left it up while she tried to contact the hospital for me. Awful.
Thats just awfull. I can imagine how you feel. What I dont understand, how baby measures right size though... I would def get snother scan. Your not showing any signs of a mc so hold on to the bit of hope..
Im so sorry you are having to go through this!
I'm sorry u r having to go through this after having waited so long to get here. At this early stage they don't always find a heartbeat. They usually recommend waiting at least 1 week before having another scan, but nothing should be done in the meantime.

It's hard to wait, I've recently been through this myself, but I was having green discharge n odd pains too. I didn't have a good outcome, but there were a couple of girls who posted on my thread that didn't have a heartbeat at 7+? Weeks but did 8 days later, so there is a bit of hope hon.

Fingers crossed at your next scan there is a heartbeat there.
Oh and the private scan place I went to offered me a free rescan a week later!
Thank you ladies. Iv got everything crossed and I'm praying for a miracle. Think it's come as more of a shock because I haven't had any signs at all that there may be problems, no bleeding, no pain. Feeling super sorry for myself today as is expected I suppose. The lady at the private clinic didn't seem hopeful at all but my midwife told me that there may be a chance. Just don't want to get my hopes up to have them dashed again so I'm preparing myself for the worst. Can't wait for Tuesday to know either way.
Thanks for the support xxx
Any time swift. If you ever want to have a chat I am on here far too much lol. Fx for Tuesday and I pray for a happy ending
How did you get on swift? Did they re scan you ? X
Hi, the same happened to me at the end of last year. I was meant to be 7+2 but baby measured 6+3. I did wait a week as recommended, sadly not a good outcome, however, I highly recommend waiting the week between the two as I would always have wondered what if, if I had not. What is really positive is that you were measuring to dates, the fact I wasn't is what told me in my heart of hearts that it wouldn't be good. It really is a horrible thing to go through, sending lots of love.
Hope your scan went ok xxxxx
Hi Swift, I'm so sorry that you are going through this I have had 2 MMC's at 10 & 11 weeks but both times baby beans were measuring smaller (about 1w5d behind) when no heartbeat was detected. At my EPU they confirmed with an internal scan as well as ultrasound. I hope you get better news today, take care x
welcome to Forum Site, here you can find lots of things for your question.Sorry, I do not have any idea about this. i suggest you have to ask from some any other expert person.


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