5weeks old and sleeping through the night.. Shouldn't complain but is it ok??


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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As title says.. I'm breast feeding and she feeds every four hours in the day (on the dot it's mad!) but at night she goes from about 11-12 til 9-10... She stirrs about 3 but I put her dummy back in and she's fine.. Is that ok for 5weeks old? If she's hungry and I put her dummy in she spits it out so she knows when she wants a comfort suck or food..
Stanley isnt sleeping AS long but he does 6-7 hrs of a night and hes only 3 weeks! Same thing again he wakes up at 2ish..last 3 nights Ive made a bottle but he just sucks it like a dummy..so he doesnt even want feeding!!

I asked the health visitor the other day and she said because hes having a good enough weight gain then not to worry!! Although I am still worried every time he does it, Im sure it'll get easier lol xx
I THINK its ok as long as baby didn't have any problems when born - like born early/jaundiced ect - my 1st had jaundice & was told to wake her (she never slept thro til 5 weeks rite enough)

Kayden first slept through (8pm til 7am) at around 5 weeks, it happend randomly after that & for the last 3 days he's been sleeping right through from 8 til 9am (sometimes he fusses & wont go down til 10)

Enjoy it!!

My little girl is not far off 15 months old and I can recall her sleeping through once.... Yes that's right just one time.. The little bugger has always given me broken sleep and I just wish now I never gave her a dummy :( oh well it's a good job she's cute :) I say definitely enjoy hun :)
Ambers been sleeping right through since about 4 weeks, it worried me a little at first but I'm just really grateful now! I always make sure she has a big feed right before she goes to sleep and that satisfies her til morning x
I say lucky you, enjoy. As long as she is gaining weight ok, not a problem . I can only dream of unbroken sleep, my lo hasn't done it once
Have to agree with Knopf, just enjoy it as long as her weight gain is fine.
Yes it is defo ok. Like others say as long as gaining weight, don't worry. Enjoy it! My 1 year old has never slept through so am well jealous lol My sisters 2 slept through the night from 2 weeks old! I wish I knew her secret!
Oh Im sooooo jealous! The longest Kynon has ever gone is 5 hours but he is a fat greedy boy! Long as she's happy and gaining shes fine, guess she just likes her sleep!
Thanks ladies :D I know how u feel with broken sleep for a long time Ellie was still up 6 times a night up to the age of 3!!! (kinda why I was so scared of having another!!) Jaycee slept 8-8 at 4/5weeks but I bottle fed and woke her up for feeds every 4hrs then gradually missed feeds til she went 8-8.. But lily has done this all herself! Just fed her and she's gone back to sleep lol!! I think I'll try and get her weighed today I have no idea where to go though!! Lol!!

Thanks again!!
I'd say as long as she's gaining weight it's fine. Poppy was sleeping through the night at around the same age. x
Thanks Hun, she has her 6week check on Thursday so we will see how chubby she is :) thanks for the reassurance :)
My Sofia was the same when she was a new baby! Breast fed 3 hourly and slept through from 4 weeks! Bliss! She's 11 months now, and still haven't had a broken night, no teething probs either! X
Fantastic!! Hope I've got a good baby too!! She's 9.9lb now so weight defo isn't a problem!!
Had a nightmare with Ellie didn't sleep thru til she was 3 bless her so I'm constantly worried I'll have to go thru that again!!

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