5 days til im A MRS!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2006
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Cant believe its here already, the past 7mths have FLOWN :shock:

am sooo excited though, and Finleys got a lovely little suit to wear, once we are back off honeymoon i shall be on with pics of us :D

typically finleys fallen over today and got a cut on his cheek and a mahoooosive bruise, so he will look like a fighter on the pics :rotfl:
You'll still call him your boyfriend/fianceé for AGGGEEEESSSS afterwards... getting your head around "my husband".... well it just sounds so odd and grown up... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Its fabulous though...

Just make sure you enjoy every moment of your day.... and take it to the last second...:) Don't stop smiling even though your cheeks hurt.... and get people to take as many pictures as possible of every detail so that you can remember it forever... :)

Have a wonderful day... :hug: :hug: :hug:
Have a wonderful time and chill- don't get all worked up over silly thinks as no matter what happens it will still be one of the best days you'll ever have- even if you do walk up the aisle with dress tucked into your pants !! only joking :rotfl:
Good luck, it will be the best day of your life im sure! Make the most of it cos it really does fly past u! :)
Hope you have a fantastic day. xxx
Have a lovely day! Like Happy_Chick said, it will fly by! Try and get 5 minutes to sit down and take it all in other wise it will be a big daze!

Cant wait to see the pics :D
oh how exciting have a great time, can't wait to see pics esp of finlay!!

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