4hrs till we know!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2012
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HI ladies, im so excited, i have my scan today only 4hrs to wait. still unsure about knowing the team, ive changed my mind so many times in the last few day, last night i wanted to know and now i dont lol. dont know how im going to go on water a full bladder as lo like the kick and jump on my bladder when is about half full. Well ill let you know once im back from the scan and town.

Zoe x
Awww hun, good luck for today :) I know what you mean about changing your mind, I am exactly the same (we have our scan in 3 weeks!), whatever you decide to do I hope all is well and that you get a lovely pic to show us :)
Good luck , enjoy it , it's the best scan of all. xx
Good luck! It's a brilliant scan :D
Also I wasn't told to drink water like ibwas at the 12 week scan and so didn't and we got a perfect view. If I'd had to drink for the 20 week scan I think I'd have wet myself with all the prodding lol
Post some pixies later :D
Best of luck hun, you'll know the right thing to do about the gender when you get there!

You don't need a full bladder for this scan - bub is big enough!! Plus they'll poke and prod you a fair bit to get the measurements they need !!

(I actually didn't have a full bladder for 10 week and 13 week scan either :shock:)

Good luck, look forward to seeing your pics x
thanks ladies. im soo excited and now i want to know, boy or girl. lol us women always changing our minds lol

my mum and her partner have a wager on me too, mum wants a grandaugther and he was another grandson lol think ill just buy the booties blue or girl and surprise them lol
Good luck, I found out so early and wished I hadn't as it's a bit like when you've opened all your Xmas pressies at once....but now I've really enjoyed shopping for my little dude and it's like I know him already! :)

U will have two let us know x x good luck hun x
So exciting! Good luck! I went with a full bladder to mine and then had to wait an hour and a half till they called me in - so 2.5 hours without a wee on a full bladder, i thought i was going to make an awful mess in the waiting room! lol She let me have 'half a wee' to try to get her to move and i could have kissed her!

Hope it goes well, can't wait to find out what team you are! :)
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Hiya ladies well my little boy is fine!!!!! Yes we are team blue. Everything is ok with him. I'll been put forward by 6days. So it's 6days less pain for me lol. I'll upload pic later as I'm on my phone. Think my oh was shocked by all te detail. Hehe best start thinking of boys name only pick a girls names which was Katie. My other son is gunna be thrilled at having a brother. My mum is a Little disappointed she was hoping to buy pink lol but she says as long as he's healthy that's all that matters. I knew he was a boy from 12wks always called him he lol.
That's great news, congratulations :D Hope you have fun buying lots of lovely little blue things for your little man! And brilliant being put forward 6 days you lucky thing. Wish they'd put me forward rather than just telling me the baby was huge and measuring 6-7 days ahead lol.
That's brilliant so glad all went well , and welcome to team blue It is a very detailed scan I was amazed by what you could see too glad you enjoyed it .xx
Congratulations!!! So happy for your blue bundle! Xxx
Congrats that's awesome new it all went well :)

So do you change your due date? I was told I am 7 days ahead but not to change my due date,I was told you only change due date when it's more than 7 days out? Confused!

Congratulations, glad it all went well! xx
Congrats on team blue!!!

I am little confused about you being moved forward though (I posted a thread about it the other day) as I thought after your 12 week scan your DD remains the same you are just classed as measuring "big" (or small??)


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