4D scans - to have or not to have???


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Hi mums!! I am thinking of having a 4d scan but my husband isn't keen because he says it would ruin the suprise. We don't want to know the sex of the baby and he thinks that even if the sonographer avoids the genital area you would be able to see by its facial features etc whether it is male or female. Also that you'd be able to see too much of what it looks like, expressions, mannerisms etc that it would take away some of the suprise factor after the birth.

Did any of you have 4d scans and if so did you find the above applied, or not????

Thanks everyone
I had a 4d scan at 30 weeks, and we still don't know the gender! Here's a couple of pics, a link to a few others and the short video, and there's one pic in my signature too... Maybe to other people it's obvious if it's a boy or girl, but to us we can't tell by the expressions or face at all which it is.

We also wanted a big surprise, but seeing the expressions hasn't ruined it for us. They told us it's got big lips (like it's dad!!) and it's sort of got my nose we think.

Personally we are glad we had it done, it hasn't ruined any surprises for us and we are still none the wiser what we're having or what it will look like!

By the way if you want to know where I got mine done let me know - I don't know where you are based but I got mine done in Nottingham at a bargain price compared to other places. Adele on here had one done at the same place too.

Hope this helps - if you can tell the gender from these then you've done a better job than we have!! :)

michelle x

link to scan pic mini album (11 pics - we had 75 done)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/10546836@N ... 1032892646

link to scan mini video (about 3 mins - our DVD lasts 20 minutes)


Hi Alfie, I'm so glad you asked. Even tho we know the sex, I would like a 4d scan and my o/h has said exactly the same thing as yours.
Although we wanted to find out the sex there is no way we would have known if we hadn't asked to see.
You can guess what sex it'll be but you could never really tell I don't think. even the "mannerisms" as you say.. Brody yawned but it's not like you could see his personality or anything.

I'd say, if you have the money, do it, it's amazing :D
Do it do it!!!!!!! Its the most amazing thing, defo the best part of my pregnancy!

We didnt find out the sex at 20 weeks and told them at 4d scan we didnt want to know-it wasnt a problem as there is a 5 second dely from what the sonographer can see on her screen and what you see on a big tv screen, so she cut any bits out that went too near to revealing the bits!!!

I must say we thought we were having a boy from the scan, she looked so much like daddy!! How wrong we were!!

I will never forget seing her in the womb, yawning, blinking and moving about....we took my mum and OH mum too, and they loved it. We all cried!!!

Have :D
Ours was at 30wks, but best time apparently is 26-28wks, if you can afford it it's an amazing bonding experience :hug:
i knew I was having a boy when we had ours but it made him more rela..I wouldn't say i would have known hes sex had he not been showing off his bits :rotfl:

i defo recommend if you can afford it

where did you go leckershell as i went to nottingham too?
Your pics are amazing Shell, he looks all cozy- no wonder he doesn't want to come out!!!!
we weren't planning on having one at all, just becasue we couldn't justify the cost. But at 34 weeks I was sent for a presentation scan and they offered to throw in some 4d for free. So we did it!

It was amazing!! We already knew it was a boy, but the sonographer was great, much more thorough than you get with your NHS scans. I would definitely recommend it.

It hasn't spoiled anything for us, if anything, it's made me more excited to meet him, I can't wait now!!


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