40 weeks still here


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Hiya Kayl

Gosh, thought you'd have had baby by now! - Looks like it's between you and Steph now! - Unless Steph has already had her little boy....Don't think I've seen a post from Steph in a few days?????

I know you really wanted an August baby, but look on the bright side, September babies are supposed to do a lot better at school that August babies! :wink:

Hope your labour starts naturally really soon! - I'm guessing the 6th for you (Only because it's my Moms birthday :lol: )

Gosh, you must be soooo excited to be this close to meeting your baby! :P
Hi Kayl

We were convinced you were having your baby! Ah well - fingers crossed it won't be long for you now.

Lots of luck!

Hiya Kayl,
My fingers are crossed for you going into labour naturally. On one of my daughters i was booked in to be induced but on the morning it was supposed to happen she came by herself with a fantastic 6 hour labour!!!
Keep going honey, Baby will be here sooner than you can say abc.
Love Rach x
I had a baby that didn't want to come out until 2 weeks past due but I bet yours won't be that stubborn! Good luck and hang in there! :)
Have my fingers crossed for you that baby decides to make an entrance sooner rather than later. Hope all goes well and I can't wait to hear our good news. Lots of love hon xxxx
Awww hope it all happens soon sweetie! You're so close now though! Just think - in two weeks time you'll be a proud mummy :D

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