40 week midwife


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Just waiting to go in for my 40 week checkup.

Hopefully Pip is engaged now, although i don't want him to budge yet! Would just be nice to know he is prepared for some point this week!

Gonna mention my elephant man foot as well. My right foot has swollen from knee down to toes and it doesn't go down at all :( looks so weird with one "normal" foot and the other swollen!

Little man is also still on my right side after flipping over on Wednesday. He hasn't turned back round so wanna see what effect that could have on my labour.

Also not felt him move as much yesterday and today, still more than 10 but no where near as much as he has the past couple of weeks.

Fingers crossed he is engaged!
good luck hun, hope he hangs onfor few more days,
Well to make things even more complicated!!!!! SIL is being sent home today as nothing has happened. They r gonna induce her on Saturday if baby hadn't arrived.

So now what do I tell Pip????? Come out before Saturday or wait?? If I tell him to wait, we r getting close to the limit as far as them letting me go over, or risk them being born on the same day?

:censored: sake!!!!
Get in there first hun, I would! Hope your foot's ok, sounds nasty xxxxxxxx
Let us know how you get on! But i would be encouraging pip to make an appearance asap if he is engaged and ready hehe x
Well the little monkey STILL ISN'T ENGAGED!!!!!!

Got a sweep booked for Monday 27th at 10:50 IF he is engaged. If he isn't, they won't do it because of the risk if cord prolapse. Either way, my induction will be booked next week. It will be no later than 3rd March, so I may well be a march mummy!

So, I'm gonna start thinking the sweep won't be possible and I'll have to be induced. This will mean no mlu for me :( but, on a positive note, I can have all the painkillers under the sun! Lol! Of I prepare myself for the worst, it can only get better. That's the hope anyway!
my due date is 3rd march :)

what did she say about your foot? xx
Not a lot to be honest. Said its nothing to worry about but if it gets any worse to call the labour ward. SW checked my hands and I don't have any swelling there. She did say it was weird that my right foot is swollen and Pip is lying on my right, but it was nothing to worry about.

She also said it didn't make any difference if he ha his back on my left or right, just as long as it wasn't out front or back to back - so im gonna stop panicking about that and wishing him to turn!
my right foor is swollen and boo boo on my left......weird eh xx
Shows that theory is a pile of pants then! Lol!

Looks like I may hijack ur due date samsgirl!
sounds like ur better off jus waiting and being indduced if nothing happens by the 3rd, hopefully sil will go tmrw too lol

what u mean u cant go to mlu if ur induced? where do u go for that? i thought either way we still had baby in same place?
She will have to go to hospital as they are quite natural places mlu are sx

Yeah as vicki says, the mlu is minimal intervention and they only offer gas and air or water as pain relief as it is midwives only. I will have to go to labour and delivery ward if I'm induced as the midwives cannot give me the medication as I have to be under the care of a doctor.
oh right i get ya sorry thought u meant u cant go to normal ward of maternity hospital, so its like a birthing cetre ur going to, didnt realise that. although im sure u told me n iv just forgot lol

in that case i hope u go naturally at 42 + 5 lol n dont need the indution

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