40.4 late!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Hi, well baby was due last Wednesday and nothing, I am having a sweep on Tuesday, not looking forwards to that!! I have tried everything to bring on labour but nout is happening.. !! Grrr..

Hope everyone well.. x
Oh poor you, I'm really hoping ot to go overdue, and if I do I hope it doesn't go on too long lol
Sending u positive thoughts
i had two sweeps with my first, dont worry bout it u dont actually feel athing and unlike an internal the only thing going up is two of her fingers tmi i know lol but trust be its completely finr and lasts maybe 4 seconds xx
I hope things move along for you soon Merfairy xx
ahw hope something happens for you.. at least having a sweep gives you something to focus on... and then after it you'll be symptom watching to see if it's worked for a couple of days... and it will either work (FAB!) or by the time you have decided it's not done anything it will be almost time for the next one!

I had 3 sweeps..

the 1st was at 39 +6 - didn't hurt at all but did nothing at all either...

the 2nd was at 40 + 6 - (different midwife) quite uncomfortable and had some very slight spotting/loss afterwards... bad period pains which gradually faded within 48 hours

the 3rd was at 41 + 3 (10 days overdue) and i had been having irregular but quite painful contractions all day so had gone up to hospital. As soon as they monitored me contractions went away and they sent me home. However just before I left the midwife checked me and said 1cm and then asked if i wanted another sweep.. so i said "yep may aswell!"... this one didn't hurt at all either and within 5 mins got a much worse contraction but still went home as they had said i was only 1cm... from then on the contractions really hotted up and we literally drove home, rang the hospital back and went straight back up there by which time I had gone to 6cm... 2 hours later baby was born with only time for gas and air (born 11 days overdue and I was booked for induction the next day!!) ...

now i think that last sweep did the trick but saying that I had been contracting all days so who knows if things just happened anyway (although those bad contractions started within 5 mins of the sweep!).. they do say that sweeps work best if you're been a bit crampy/niggly but again who knows - everyone is different!!!

ahw good luck and hope it works for you x x x

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