4 early m/cs, 1 blighted ovum and preg again!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2012
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Hi everyone! I'm really hoping to find some people in a common situation on here, feel so alone right now.

From the top, I am married and we have two gorgeous Daughters (5&3), both perfectly healthy pregnancies. After my second Daughter I had the implanon put in for six months, had it removed January 2010 to ttc #3, had one cycle then started trying, got pregnant straight away but miscarried a couple of days after bfp, then I had around half a year of annovulatory, irregular cycles. Then on Halloween 2010 I had fertile cm so was like "I'm jumping on this!" and I got pregnant again, miscarried again at 6 weeks. Then I had two more miscarriages over the next 5 months.

June 2011 I found out I was pregnant again, I started spotting brown cm at 5 weeks but as I still had my symptoms and hadn't properly bled or had pain I thought it was all ok (I had first tri bleeding with both of my Daughters), but I went for a scan at 6 weeks anyway to check on things. There was just a gestational sac there measuring 5+3... Not a problem I thought, I might just be off a few days. Over the next 4 weeks I went back several times, each time it looked more and more unlikely that a baby would suddenly appear out of no-where. At 11 weeks I eventually miscarried naturally - The worst experience of my life I kept hemoraging and passing huge clots, it was as painful as labour but without the reward.

After that we decided we'd stop putting ourselves through this torture and get some testing after my cycles were back on track. Which brings us up to date. I've not had testing yet, still waiting for my referral to come through! But low and behold one of DH's little swimmers still decided to penetrate my egg! We've been avoiding pregnancy for nearly a year and suddenly it happens (coincidentally at the same time my best friend finds out she's pregnant after two years or so of trying without luck... We did always say we'd do it together and now we're due 11 days apart!). I'm 6+5 today and have been spotting on and off with some mild cramping since 30/06/2012... I have a scan booked for Monday and I'm convinced it's going to be the same deal as last time, it's even the same month of the year!

I'm just really looking to share my experience, it's about time really. There aren't many people in my sort of situation - believe me, I've been looking forever!! But I intend to post here what happens with me so that perhaps in the future if there is someone feeling as lonely as I do, I hopefully have something positive to share with them. Eeeep, just saw the length of this post... Sooooorry!


-Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay, it's not the end.
Good luck with ur journey xx

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Sorry if you thought I was being rude earlier hun, I didn't read through your post properly - so huge apologies!

I have just replied properly in the other section :)

Oh no, it's fine! If I thought you were rude I would have said something really snotty lol. Thanks for replying!
I'm so sorry you have been through such a rough time hun, I have had 1 mmc myself and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, it's a very painful experience in every sense of the word. Congrats on your current pregnancy - I hope your scan on Monday goes well for you, I know it's difficult but try and stay positive. I will have my fingers and toes crossed for you, please let us know how it goes x
Thank you so much! You're right, it's an awful experience.. My sister actually told me the other day that I need to be optimistic or I'll be tempting fate - Must be nice having that sort of innocence. Something I long to have.

I'll definitely be here tomorrow after the scan, I just really hope I have something positive to say!
Had my scan earlier... I was worried sick all morning, really preparing myself for the worst. But I laid on the bed, she started scanning and immediately we see this little bean, I said, rather stupidly "What is that?!" and then she zoomed in a bit and we saw a little tiny fluttering heartbeat and the baby started wiggling around!!!

She can see no reason for my spotting inside the uterus, so I suppose it's a complete sex and 'over doing it' ban for my first tri! I really can't believe it, I'm so shocked, elated, scared (still a long way to go!) and sick! I'm measuring 6+1 instead of 7 weeks as my lmp suggested. I've got another scan booked for two weeks today, and if that's all smooth and pretty then I'll have another at 10 weeks, then the 12 week one.
That's fantastic news hun, really pleased all went well. Must be such a relief to see your little bambino moving about :) x
congratulations!! im glad it went well and hope it all goes smoothly 4u x
Excellent news sweetie, so happy for you

Thanks so much ladies! It was really amazing to see, I was in shock lol, the problem is I'm now even more worried than before!!

I was wondering something, I'll probably stick it on the main board too, but does anyone know much about bleeding with there being no cause for it inside the uterus? After I got home from picking my eldest up from school yesterday I had more of the spotting (it had previously calmed right down to tiny amounts), a bit heavier than before. The sonographer had to press quite hard to get a good picture of the tiny bean, I was also more active than usual with less resting time than I'd normally allow myself during the day and (TMI!!!!) I had a dicky tummy in the morning from the nerves!! I'm basically wondering if the blood could be coming from my cervix, how likely is it? Thanks in advance for any insight!!
Hi, thought id reply as im in a similair situation.
I'll explain:
Had a mc in 2006, had a mmc in 2008 had to be induced at 17+3 as DD wouldnt be able to survive outside the womb at all! My son was born 7 weeks early in 2010, 3 month later got pregnant and had a mc, 3 months ago had a blighted ovum, now 5+2 weeks pregnant. Managed to get a scan 2 days ago as was having pain. All seemed well for now. Asked if i can have a reassurance scan in 3 weeks time i was told unless i have bleeding i have to wait for a 12 week scan like everyone else.

I know exactly how scared and anxious your feeling. I find it hard to talking to people about my losses as no one understands, its frustrating constantly hearing it was prob for the best or it wasnt meant to be. Not to mention totally insensitive.

Hope we get to have a long pregnancy this time round.

Feel free to PM me anytime you need a chat.
I'm so sorry to hear about your hard times, it's comforting to know someone shares your worries, but it's also so sad to know there are other people out there losing babies one after another.

Your EPU doesn't sound very helpful at all! Mine are scanning me again at 8 weeks and 10 weeks just for my piece of mind. I'd call them again in a few days and I'm sure they'll see you, if not tell them you've got a bit of cramping, cheeky, but they HAVE to see you then. Have you had any testing done?

I know exactly what you mean about the isolation, unfortunately it's just one of those things that people don't give much thought to until it happens and some people can be really insensitive with their comments.

It goes without saying, PM me if you ever want a chat, I really wish you well in this pregnancy, in fact I hope you get stretch marks because the bump gets so big!! Good luck and try to take care and rest up - not easy with kids I know, I'm facing the same battle now, mostly sofa parenting LOL.
My EPU is useless, its no wonder they complain that women call up saying there bleeding just to get scans. They really should make certain exceptions for certain situations. But what can you do!?

I'll keep you posted with my progress. Let me know how your holding up.

Lots of sticky vibes coming ur way for bump to stay put. X
My EPU is useless, its no wonder they complain that women call up saying there bleeding just to get scans. They really should make certain exceptions for certain situations. But what can you do!?

I'll keep you posted with my progress. Let me know how your holding up.

Lots of sticky vibes coming ur way for bump to stay put. X
You could always try going through your GP or midwife? They can do you a referral and the EPU can't refuse that way either.

I'm doing good, my brown spotting stopped on Tuesday but has decided to return this afternoon.. My Husband has put me on a complete ban, I'm not allowed to lift a finger now lol.

I really hope this is it for you, we should definitely stay in touch and compare! Super glue baby juice to you!
Don't mind me, just updating this thread...

Scan on 23rd July at 8 weeks was all well, heartbeat seen and heard :D

Midwife booking appt at 10+1 today - heartbeat was found via doppler! So chuffed it's unreal!

Next scan on Wednesday 8th August and 12 week scan booked for 22nd August!!
Hey, I hope it all goes well for you and the bean.. good luck xx
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My little update;

Had the scan on 10th August instead of 8th as my Children were poorly. It was brilliant! I should have been 10+5 but baby measured 11+5 - she dated me at 11+1 though so a reason that is escaping me!

12 week scan on 22nd August for the moment of truth R.E true dates!!

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