3rd Stage Labour


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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I was wondering how many people elected to deliver the placenta naturally and how many people had a syntometrine injection to speed up the process. Also how long did it take and has anyone ever heard of the placenta not coming out or breaking up etc?

I had an injection last time and don't really remember how long it took as I was too busy cooing over my new baby but am sure it was only around 15 minutes or so....

ihad the injection.... alice was on a heat mat thing being warmed up, so i wanted to be able to move sooner than later (if that makes sense).
I can't remember being asked or if I had it or not. If I was asked I would of said yes. With my 1st baby it was fine and out in about 10 minutes. With Aimee it was about 45 minutes I think. Th MW was trying to pull it out using the cord and it snapped off so a consultant had to come and take it out manually (ouch)! With Nathan I had the same problem again where it just didn't want to come out and I was loosing a lot of blood. This time the cord didn't snap of though. I can't remember the exact time but I'm sure it was about 50 minutes. It was awful cos I was in to much pain to hold Nathan while they were doing it. :(
OMG Kellie - did they give you some sort of anaesthetic before removing it? My MW told me if this happened then they would take me into hospital and give me a spinal.

Nope! Although I did have pethadine for the birth. It was horrible. The consultant had really fat arms too, not nice.
i wanted a natural third stage but when it come to it he was big(10lb) and i was starting to bleed so they advised me to have it. it was nice that it was over fairly quick but i would try for a natural one next time.
:shock: kellie80, did your MW really try pulling it out by the cord :eek: that's just wrong, I'm sat here like this :eek: :shock:

Once your LO is born, through skin to skin contact and breastfeeding if possible, the placenta naturally expels itself, and this also closes up your blood vessels naturally, resulting in less bleeding. The placenta retains a third of LO's blood supply, so choosing to leave baby attached until placenta is delivered or cord stops pulsing is what we're hoping to do, should there be any concern of excessive bleeding, I would then choose the injection to get the placenta out asap, hope the day goes the way you wish littlebump :hug:
I think they often just give the cord a gentle tug to help it out, but I guess if the cord is weak then it could easily break... I seem to remember them doing this with me.

Fat-armed consultant - OMG Kellie - it sounds horrific :shock: :shock: :shock:

Thanks Redshoes - you too - we'll be pretty close together! :hug:
Redshoes said:
:shock: kellie80, did your MW really try pulling it out by the cord :eek: that's just wrong, I'm sat here like this :eek:

Yeah really. She wasn't like yanking it or anything but she was gently pulling it. Still it was hard enough for the cord to snap of it. I felt like what i though was a popping feeling and got really scared cos I thought I was gonna bleed to death. I DID NOT have a good experiance when Aimee was born.
they need to pull the cord if you have the injection i think?????
Hi Sarah

How was that? How long did it take and was it painful at all?

i delievred it naturally... didnt take very long and only hurt a little bit.. i was far to preoccupied to notice really!
I delivered natuarly and it took about 15mins. However I was then given the injection afterwards anyway because I was still bleeding or something. I wasn't paying too much attention by this point, to busy holding and looking at Ellie. :D
I had the injection . I was advised to as I was induced but planning to anyway. I delivered it in 5 mins no pain . I was suprised and expected some pain. I have to say though i kinda raced through all of labour.
Well reading other posts it sounds like maybe I didn't have the injection. I would definaly of said yes if they asked me so they mustn't of even asked :?
I cant even remember the placenta coming out because it wasnt painfull at all, sorry im not much help, hope it doesnt hurt for you :hug:
I had the injection and I think I delivered the placenta about 20 mins after the birth. I never really considered not having the injection to be honest.
You dont really pull the cord more apply traction to it, that is normal if you are having a manged third stage, usually takes about 5 minuites after the injection.
Hmmm - last time I sort of went with the flow and did what they suggested, but I was induced which may be why they suggested it in the first place. Perhaps I'll go for natural delivery this time....

Thanks for all your responses ladies


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