3rd miscarriage. When does the bleeding become hospital worthy??


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2016
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Hi all
So sadly it looks like I am having miscarriage number 3 and this forum is always such a supportive place to vent. I am currently approx 5+3 so very early. I have no children but had a natural miscarriage previously at 5 weeks and then a miscarriage at 11 weeks which resulted in a d&c. I have an early scan booked for tomorrow due to previous history but last night I started bleeding like a period. No cramps just blood. It was really heavy with no clots then seemed to ease off and then started up again. Today I went out for an hour and it soaked through my pad, my underwear and my jeans. Then I was lounging about at home and when I got up I noticed blood on the floor! Sorry I know it's gross. It hasn't really eased up st all today. Still only very minor cramps, nothing unbearable or that has stopped me in my tracks (which is what I know they ask when they think it may be ectopic) I haven't bothered cancelling tomorrow because to be honest I want to speak to the consultant about recurrent miscarriage testing but I am just not sure at what point the blood loss might be an issue in itself and need a hospital visit. If I was bleeding this much from an injury elsewhere I'd probably be panicking about blood loss and rushing myself off to a&e. Any experiences welcome xxx
I think it's worth a call to 111 Hun and let them advise you from there?
Sorry to hear you are going through this, horrid, horrid experience. Sending hugs xxx
Am so sorry to read this, if the bleeding is enough to go through clothes and onto the floor I would get yourself to A&E, I had a friend who had the same happen as she was walking to school, she passed out from the blood loss. Thinking of you �� .x
I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through....
I don't gave any personal experience, during my loss my bleeding wasn't as bad as what you are describing, but I would be a bit worried about the amount - like lil said, you can pass out from losing too much blood, and it may be you need to rule out any internal bleeding/ectopic.
Good luck with it all xxx
Thank you for your replies. I had a scan today and there is a large bleed inside my womb but a sac is still there. Possibly ectopic/not in the right place so back next week for further tests. Feeling so miserable now xxx
Just read this so sorry :( they shouldn't have let you leave hospital? I remember with my second my bleeding was really bad and kept me in sais6they was gonna take me to theater if the bleeding didn't slow down. Mine was like yours I was going through maxi pads every 3 mins, blood everywhere. I think if your bleeding like that you should stay in, if it's still like it now I would go back to hospital, don't wanna loose too much. 111 told be if your loosing 1 mug full every hour you need to be monitored in hospital xx
Thanks PB for your story. I was in excruciating pain last night, felt like contractions. I finally dozed off when the pain eased and woke up 20 mins later. Rushed to the toilet and passed about 3-4 clots but the pain has completely gone. In the shower this morning another large clot came out. The consultant did say the haemorrhage was about 5cmx2cm and would probably be painful when I passed it so I'm hoping it's just that and not the sac as well. I guess the scan next Tuesday will tell me whether everything has come out or just the haemorrhage. I feel weirdly relieved because the dr did say if the pregnancy had any hope that ideally we would want the clot to come out which I'm pretty confident it has. I still don't feel pregnant. My last hpt was on tues with a strong positive. I haven't done another one yet due to the amount of bleeding. XxX
My ectopic started off as a 'pregnancy of unknown location'. It's the not knowing that is the worst, I hope you get answers soon xx
So a little update. I went for my scan last week and the sac was amazingly still there and had grown a bit and developed a yolk sac. However, I started bleeding again just like a period (and still am!). It's got some clots in it. At my scan the large area of bleeding had gone but she said she could see some cystic spaces which she basically said is little blood clots. I am back for a scan in a week. Felt a little hope as the sac had survived and grown despite the worst bleeding I had ever experienced but did a pregnancy test tonight and it's definitely fainter than the last. I know it's a bit different as it is all mixed with blood but it has completely confirmed the worst to me and now I'm a total wreck. Will keep you posted with the final result of my scan as I know when others are searching for answers it's irritating to not know the final result!!! Good luck to all of you ladies xxx
Hope you are feeling better soon qwerty! You are bound to be feeling emotional. We get used to AF amounts of blood but this is another level so just be kind to yourself at the moment. I hope everything works out with your next scan. Good luck
Hi, I am sorry to know about yr horrible experiences. Have you considered discussing additional testing (karyotyping, pgs ngs) with yr doc? Good luck
Hi just read this, sounds awful not knowing. I really hope this turns out to be a positive story. Best of luck x

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