3rd cycle since erpc, huge clot?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
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Just on my period and had a huge clot probably the size of half a tampon come out. Totally freaked me out, phoned the epu and she didn't sound worried at all. Asked if I was having periods and ovulating (which I am) and if I was getting negative pregnancy tests (and again, I am). Also asked if I was feeling I'll (which I'm not, no funny discharge or fever). I had my op 4 months ago and this is my 3rd af, 1st was very light, 2nd was very heavy and this one was horrific yesterday but haven't bled much since the clot incident! Should I be worried? She just said my body is cleaning itself out but surely this should've all been done by now?!

I'm ttc and no wonder it hasn't happened yet if that was still in me. I swear I'm at breaking point now!
Oh cazzie all sounds horrible, glad you were able to call hospital even if they had no real answers. I've not had anything similar but my periods since op have been quite different to how they use to be. Big glass of wine and a fun weekend needed to try and take your mind if things maybe, wish I could help. You think before it happens that a mc just happens and that's it but the effects seem to be different for everyone but definitely taking time for both indus to get back to normal physically which makes it all even hard to deal with x big hug x
Hi Cazzie, Ive had two D&C's over the last 18 months and each time I have had far heavier periods for approx 3 cycles afterwards, hospital said it was normal? Hope all goes well next month and we get positive pregnancy results soon.
this happened to me too! had a miscarriage last august and normal periods for me since then started my period on the 19th finished on the 24th feb, it was very light and started in the morning and i thought it had stopped but when i went to bed it had started again and carried on being very light with no clots, which is not normal for me, i thought maybe i was pregnant but i kept getting negative pregnancy tests. then 4th of march i started bleeding a little nothing that would catch in a sanitary pad, but then i got clumps of a greyish red colour and i don't know what to think. i went to the docs today and she didn't seem concerned at all. she did a pregnancy test but it was negative. i just hope this is a one off and that next month its normal again.

i hope you get an answer to your question and I'm sorry i cant help you. its the first time i have been through this so i have no prior answers. i hope its a one of for you too. xxxx

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