Hello all I am new here!
Me and OH are currently trying for a baby and we are TTC for baby #1. I am now 3dpo and we did the baby dance every day for 6 days leading up to ovulation. I ovulated on 26/10 and we DTD 18/10-25/10. I had my implant removed on 17/08 and my period returned on 12/10 and OPK said i ovulated on the 28/09 so this is my second cycle since coming off the implant.
I'm now 3dpo and today I've been really irritable. Been having mood swings today, cold sweats and having dull twinges on my lower left side and my lower back is achey. I've had watery CM today. I want to wait until at least 10DPO to test though. OH has been worried about me today.
Can anyone else relate to this before getting a BFP?
Thank you ladies!!!
Me and OH are currently trying for a baby and we are TTC for baby #1. I am now 3dpo and we did the baby dance every day for 6 days leading up to ovulation. I ovulated on 26/10 and we DTD 18/10-25/10. I had my implant removed on 17/08 and my period returned on 12/10 and OPK said i ovulated on the 28/09 so this is my second cycle since coming off the implant.
I'm now 3dpo and today I've been really irritable. Been having mood swings today, cold sweats and having dull twinges on my lower left side and my lower back is achey. I've had watery CM today. I want to wait until at least 10DPO to test though. OH has been worried about me today.
Can anyone else relate to this before getting a BFP?
Thank you ladies!!!