3DPO and ouchy cramps!!

These are quite painful at times. I got them a bit before OV but since Sat/Sun I have needed a heat pad again x
They sound worse than mine. Mine was more a throbbing pain. Bit uncomfortable. Not had anything since xx
No, these are the normal af cramps, feels like she is going to show her face any minute now.

Could it be PG symptoms maybe? x
I have cramps on and off from early on most months but this month I've had zero cramps zero sore boobs zero nothing I'm hoping no symptoms is a symptom for me lol I also think anything before 6 dpo is not preg related as implantation Farley happens before that this stops me going nuts in the frat week haha
The last 2 months I've had cramps from 4 dpo, unfortunately they didn't lead to a bfp. However I've got an issue with my lining so I thought maybe the egg got fertalised but couldn't implant??? Who knows. But lots of symptoms so far for you this month, it all sounds very positive, fingers crossed. X x x
Thanks!! I'm praying it means something for me and I'm praying you other ladies get BFP's too x

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