38wk MW app!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Just got back from my Midwife app, she said my little man is well on his way to being engaged and ready, she could only feel the bottom half of his head!!

Glad he's moving in the right direction because I sooo want him here now! :) x
fantastic news :) and I know how you feel about wanting the baby here now! I've got an appointment tomorrow so hopefully I will get some good news too but I'm not so sure coz I can still feel kicks and movement high up :(
yay. got told my lo is engaged it is so nice to hear isnt it.

love knowing its all going in the right direction. xxx
It just puts your mind at ease that baby knows what it's supposed to do.

Snr - My kicks/movement is still really high (right on the top of my bump) so I wouldn't worry. Maybe it just means we're having long babies?! Mind you I wonder if your height comes into it? Surely at 5ft 3in I have less space inbetween my ribs and pelvis than someone who's 6ft?

I'm getting such a kicking at the moment coz the MW had a good old poke! lol

I've also decided to give birth in the Midwife Led Unit in my hospital even though they don't offer much in the way of pain relief. She gave me a leaflet about it and it just seems the right place for us. They offer you birthing pools, tens machines, aromatherapy and gas&air for pain relief and thats it! Plus the proper delivery ward is across the corridor if anything should go wrong or if I feel I need stronger pain relief x
Glad to hear your little man is getting ready! I never had a 38 week check but have my 39 week check tomorrow so am looking forward to that. At 37 weeks, she was 3/5 engaged but I have had loads of really bad pains since so am hoping that was her getting fully engaged!

Shauna- my hospital doesn't have a midwife led unit.

No idea hun. My hospital is massive though.

The leaflet describes it as a 'home from home' environment and the Midwife said it doesn't have so many machines, wires etc that the labour ward rooms have and everyones alot more relaxed. There's only 4 rooms in the unit too so hopefully it's alot quieter!

Ask your MW when you next see her to see if your hospital has one x
Flopsy - Hope your app goes well tomorrow and your little lady is ready to launch! :) x
oh thats interersting never even thought about that. I'm not much taller than you I'm like 5,5. hehe we are going to be in labour for days and have looong babies- my other half is like 6.2 or something.
I have this running joke with my OH about bub's feet. My OH has size 11 feet which considering he's only 5ft 9in is pretty big. I keep saying I have visions of bubs hooking his big flippers on the way out and the MW heave hoing trying to unhook his feet! lol

I childminded 2 brother's who's Mum was 6ft2in and Dad was 6ft and both boys were double the height they should've been! Not that i'm trying to worry you! lol x
oh the unit sounds lovely claire. my hospital is opening one in september so unfortunately i miss out but after looking round the delivery suite the other week they have done very well to not make it look to much like a hospital room if you know what i mean. xxx
Yeah I get you Nmf :)

I'm not planning on using a birthing pool because i'm not good in water and I think i'd panic if I thought the water was too deep etc but the whole 'relaxed' approach seems the best idea for me. Also they don't use the electric heartbeat monitors that you have to lay still on the bed for, they just use dopplers so at least i'm guaranteed to be able to move about if I need to! :)

One thing in the leaflet did make me laugh though, they have birthing balls and .... bean bags?! How the heck am I sposed to get up from a bean bag?! hahaha I reckon OH will nick that anyway! lol x
Theyve never mentioned if babygirl is engaged or not so Im assuming she isnt?!x

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