38 week Midwife Appt **UPDATED first post**


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2005
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Well baby is head down :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

It was a doctor who scanned me and he said he was just learning to scan so I was cheeky and asked him if there was any chance I could get a pic, it isn't great but here it is:

Head is on the right and the two little balls in the middle are the hands. Baby had it's hands round it's head the whole time except when it waved!



Well I told her about the pains and bowel movements I've been having and she said they're all good signs that my body is getting ready for baby to arrive so all normal. I had + glucose but then I had been eating some nice chocs today so that might be why and she commented on my BP being "high for me" at 135/78 which is very high for me as the highest it's been is 120/68 but she didn't seem too concerned.

Then she went to feel my tummy and really struggled to decide if baby's head is up or down. Baby was head down at my last appointment but I guess could have changed. Anyhoo, after umming and aahing she's decided to send me for a presentation scan tomorrow as although she said that she thinks baby is head down she's just not sure enough.

She also said that if baby is breech they'll want to book me for a section sooner rather than later, especially with my history of a previous section. So tomorrow I'm popping down the hossie for a scan! Hopefully I'll get a pic but seeing LO is exciting enough! :cheer:
Oh no not you to, i have been sent the last two weeks for scans to check bubs is head down as they were unsure but he was both times, the midwife said this time it is very very unlikely for baby to turn back after 36 weeks though.

Fingers crossed bubs is still the right way round and things will happen soon :hug: :hug:
Good luck with your scan appointment tomorrow and let us know how you get on!

Claire x
Good luck for tomorrow, hopefully baby will be head down fingers crossed for you xxxx

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