37 weeks - nerves and tiredness kicking in


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2011
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37 weeks today - all nursery done minus a few bits to put up, curtains etc
hospital bag packed
baby shower Saturday

AFM i am just plodding through days now, feel tired and have zero energy, lost appetite a little and feel sick through day, starting to feel very nervous about labour, feel tearful at least once a day when reality kicks in!!

I guess this is all pretty normal feelings though eh girls?

TBH not really rested much since left work 4 weeks ago so its now my time to do nothing but boy its hard am used to running around like a nutter.

At computer today as have finances to do, maternity money to claim for etc but all i want to do is sleep and eat Salt and Vinegar Snack a jacks Ha !!
Aww hugs I thinj feeling nervous tiered and exausted is quite normal xxx
I feel nervous too. Tiredness hasnt quite kicked in which is good job as I still have another week in work. The reality is definatly kicking in now though, and I am starting to panic that I have forgotton something or not got everything ready even though I am pretty sure I have.
I think its all pretty natural - i have made LISTS galore its like i think the shops will shut as soon as shes born ha ha
all sounds pretty normal to me! lol alls i wanna do is hibernate, sleep and eat until hes here! but i dont feel the nerves so much now is gettin closer im more eager for it to happen cuz i want it over n done with so i can start gettin myself back together n cant wait be a mummy :D xx
Aww Hun I'm with you! I get really emotional these days and then I sit and worry I'm not going to b good enough I'm so scared of being a mummy but excited at the same time! I can't wait to see him and hold him in my arms but I'm terrified that I won't have a clue wot I'm doing! Thought I was going into labour the other night as had a show and some cramping etc so thought it was the start of something and I kinda freaked out I didn't know wot to do with myself and was panicking cos I didn't have his bag ready so started to put bits in his bag have no idea wot I put in it then knocked a full jug of water all over his carpet and blankets! I don't think its the actual giving birth that scares me so much its that I'm going to b a mum and I don't know how! I have no energy also I went into town today and just about collapsed so think ill just b sitting in the house from now on but its so boring! Ul need to tell me all bout ur baby shower I have mine the day after I'm sitting making favours just now and quite proud of them lol! X

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