my usual midwife was off sick which i was dissapointed about
but the one i seen was lovely anyways
everything went pretty good. i didn't give in a urine sample though, i tried before the appointment, and i was holding the sample bottle to catch the pee, but when i had finished, i had only managed to quarter fill the bottle
bad aim
it's hard when you can't see though!!
when she asked about fetal movement, i mentioned that he hadn't been as active as usual the last week or so.. so she's booked me in for a CTG heart trace thingy on baby tomorrow
his heartbeat was fine on the doppler, but she said just to be on the safe side.
she took my blood which was fine, and my weight, 90kg
my booking weight was 73kg
and baby is 3/5 engaged
a good appointment all in all. just hoping everything goes ok at the trace tomorrow.. i can feel him moving, it just doesn't seem to be as much as he used to, he's been a very active baby so far
anyone else experienced this problem?
hope you are all well ladies

everything went pretty good. i didn't give in a urine sample though, i tried before the appointment, and i was holding the sample bottle to catch the pee, but when i had finished, i had only managed to quarter fill the bottle

when she asked about fetal movement, i mentioned that he hadn't been as active as usual the last week or so.. so she's booked me in for a CTG heart trace thingy on baby tomorrow

she took my blood which was fine, and my weight, 90kg

a good appointment all in all. just hoping everything goes ok at the trace tomorrow.. i can feel him moving, it just doesn't seem to be as much as he used to, he's been a very active baby so far

hope you are all well ladies