36 weeks and engaged...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Had my middy appointment today and apparently she says babys head is 3 fifths engaged :shock: IM a bit nervous now lol!!!!
oooooooh!! :)

things might start happening soon!! :cheer:

goooood luck!! :hug:
wow so exciting!! at least little one is pointing the right way hopefully ul meet him soon!! :)
Guess what? he just popped out, no pain nothing, awww he's lovely lmao!!! Perfect birth that... :rotfl:

Yeah right :rotfl: :rotfl:
Congrats hun!! :cheer: And you're full term next week too so it's a busy time for you and little Hayden!! :cheer: xx
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: congratulations hun. Hope all goes well for you :hug:
Sorry can I be thick and ask what does full term actually mean and I thought it was 38 but its 37 im confuzzled...
Once you get to term which is 37 weeks then technically the baby can come any time although with first they are more likely to be late then early, from 37 weeks or term your baby would no longer be classed as premature as they are fully developed!

Congrats on baby engaging :cheer: , at my last midwife appointment at 34 weeks midwife said baby was 'at the brim' and would probably be engaged by 36 weeks have next midwife appointment on wed and bump definately seems to have dropped so looking forward to finding out if shes engaged :cheer: but first babies generally do engaged early I still think our little one is going to be late! :roll:
Oooooh that's exciting! Does it feel any different? Does your bump look different? Is the baby moving less now? Am I a pest or what? :D

I have my 36 week appt with midwife tomorrow afternoon and am wondering whether any engagement is happening. I don't feel like anything has sort of dropped though so I don't think we're there yet.

Ok, back to bed now, might try to get some more :sleep:
congrats hun!

I was 4/5 at 34 weeks so hoping she is nice and snug and further down tomorrow when i see the consultant

im 3/5 engaged too, its achey but nice to know shes not the wrong way and knows whats shes meant to do. :dance:
roll on wed... i got another midwife appointment hopefully shes moved further down and will glide out when shes ready... haha i wish :rotfl:
CorrieFan said:
Oooooh that's exciting! Does it feel any different? Does your bump look different? Is the baby moving less now? Am I a pest or what? :D

Urm, it feels very hard low down, also feels like u have a wee infection when u need to go cause theres so much preassure there but obviously not...

And my bump has dropped so sometimes i have to hold it lol!!
Awww let's hope something starts to happen soon....

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