Hello all hope you are all doing ok.
Just back from seeing midwife and my BP was good, and urine clear. My baby is still head down but is lying all over to my right hand side with feet/foot in my right ribs!! She said it must just like this position but baby hasn't started to engage yet. She wasnt too concerned and expects that at next appointment it will have straightened out and started to engage.
Has anyones elses first baby not started to engage by 36 weeks?? I can't help but worry about anything that isnt the "norm"
Just back from seeing midwife and my BP was good, and urine clear. My baby is still head down but is lying all over to my right hand side with feet/foot in my right ribs!! She said it must just like this position but baby hasn't started to engage yet. She wasnt too concerned and expects that at next appointment it will have straightened out and started to engage.
Has anyones elses first baby not started to engage by 36 weeks?? I can't help but worry about anything that isnt the "norm"
