36 week appointment and question!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Hello all hope you are all doing ok.

Just back from seeing midwife and my BP was good, and urine clear. My baby is still head down but is lying all over to my right hand side with feet/foot in my right ribs!! She said it must just like this position but baby hasn't started to engage yet. She wasnt too concerned and expects that at next appointment it will have straightened out and started to engage.

Has anyones elses first baby not started to engage by 36 weeks?? I can't help but worry about anything that isnt the "norm" :oops:

Don't panic honey some babies don't engage till delivery according to my gynae team, mines just gone from being head down and engaged to now transverse and my god it sucks :( i can sooooo sympathise with your kicks in the ribs :hug:
I had my 36 week check-up on Wed. MW said that my baby's head is down, has dropped a bit more than when she checked at 34 weeks, but she didn't mention how much it has engaged, if any.
My baby has been head down, transverse and now breech! C'mon baby make up your mind!
Dont worry to much as has been said some dont engage until the last minute, although it is nice to know baby is getting ready!

I had my 36 week check and she didnt check my tummy really just said its head down.

Dont worry and good luck hun xxxxx
My baby was transverse at week 38 hunni and a sacan at 39 weeks (wednesday) showed she was fully engaged.

Stop reading all the books and literature cos it will wind you up!!!

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