32 week scan today - mixed results


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
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So I had my scan today to check my placenta, and it's moved up so not a problem anymore, which is great. BUT...

The baby's abdomen is measuring off the chart for the normal range, far too big. They said that it's a concern and so have referred me for an urgent consultant appointment tomorrow morning. They said that a reason could be gestational diabetes but that it's unlikely for me because my bloods and urine have all been normal. They said that the cause might be due to a problem with the baby, like Cystic Fibrosis, Downs or a blockage of something. Apparently, they're estimating the baby weighs 6 1/2 lb already!!! :shock: Has anyone had this and the baby has been fine and they were just completely wrong? I'm worried.

Also baby has moved again and is breech. They said that if she stays big I'll have to be induced early, which gives her less time to turn round.

I just wanted the appointment to tell me everything is ok :cry:

Sorry to hear this. Am thinking of you. Let us know how you get on tomorrow. x
No advice Im afraid But hope everything turns out ok, x
Oh hun what a worry!! My friend was told her baby had all sorts of problems and maybe had downs - she had a caesarian and baby was about 10lbs (give or take an oz - can't remember exactly)! The important thing is baby was fine and is now a very healthy, normal, active toddle. Really hope things are ok for you both!

no advice on babies measuring too big but just wanted to give you a big :hugs: xx
Thanks lovely ladies. Just please keep your fingers crossed for little baby wish. I don't mind what happens to me as long as she's ok.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you both sweetheart!

I'm keeping everything crossed for you babe. Sometimes I think all this technology we have, as useful as it can be at times can cause unnecessary worry and heartache. Hoping everything is fine with little bubba and you get all of the explanation that you need hun. Will be thinking of you xxx
Good luck tomorrow... have to agree with lexus about all the technology. Will keep everything crossed and be thinking about u xxxxxx
Thinking of you today Hun xx
good luck for today hun i shall be keeping everything crossed for you xx
So sorry I missed this good luck hun mwah. X x
Aww Cass!! I dunno what to say hunny - I hope everything is OK today and that they are just being over cautious.

Thinking of you hunny - Loads!! xxxx
good luck for today and if there is a problem your in the best place x
Hope eveything goes well - it seems like they like to give you the worst-case scenario all the time, which can cause unecessary worry....
Fingers crossed for both of you xxxxxx

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