3 month old sleeping 12 hours?!?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2014
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My 3 month old goes to bed at 7:30, well I say bed but in his cot downstairs till we go to bed, where he goes into his co-sleeper next to us.

Lately when we feed him at 7:30 that's it till 7:30 in the morning.

Now my 16 month old still doesn't do a full night sleep, she will wake a few times but settles herself.

So I know some will say 'you lucky thing' but what I want to know is, is it okay for him to sleep such long periods without waking once? Sometimes he will wake at 11 pm and we feed him, straight back to sleep till morning or at 6 am then back to sleep but more often his going the entire night, waking at 7:30 am and then sleeping again by 8:30!

Is this okay??? My 16 month old had bottles in the night till she was 13 months old!!
X x
My friends baby has slept 12 hours since she was tiny. She's just turned 2 and still sleeps through with a 2-hour nap in the daytime too. Friend counts herself lucky and is reluctant to have more kids, lol. Not sure I can offer any medical advice or anything but friends little girl is happy and healthy and just likes her sleep! I'm sure it's fine. x
Thank you :)
I'd be reluctant too lol my first didn't starting sleeping through ( wakes but self settles) till maybe 14 months old.

I just worry about his milk intake etc he sleeps a lot in the day too, I find myself waking him up just so I feel we've had time together! X x x
I can understand about the feeding thing. Have you spoken to hv or mw about it? I'm sure as long as he's gaining weight as he should be there's nothing to worry about. My friend has to wake her dd for days out sometimes as she'll still be asleep at 9.30am!! Crazy. X
Not yet she got a cold from my eldest so I assumed he was sleeping through feeling groggy but his better and sleeping more.
I might pop down and ask them.
Saying that his currently awake watching music videos with his daddy and drinking milk ... Typical lol x x
Isn't it weird how different your two can be. My eldest hates TV, at 16 months and had never shown an interest. He tries to look round you to see it! I have to turn him away lol x x
My baby is 4 months and he is exactly the same as your little one, I was thinking the same thing but he's happy and healthy and putting weight on so I didn't worry too much. At one point when he was younger I was worried I wasn't waking up and he may have been crying but my hubby assured me that wasn't the case.
He's been a great sleeper since the day I brought him home, loves his sleep like his mummy!!
We're the lucky ones! Xxxx
I don't think I would be too worried, re milk intake as long as baby is gaining weight and weeing and pooing you should be ok! And yes...lucky you!
Thank you guys!!

He got me up at 6:30, I spoke too soon lol

Let a sleeping baby sleep =) Aslong as he has his bottles during the day. He would wake if he was hungry.
and you might even find in a few weeks he'll start again lol.
Enjoy it for now xx
My LO sleeps threw the night & I am no longer worried about it as I refuse to wake him to feed him, if he was hungry he would wake up for a feed! If I woke him to feed him no doubt he would just be sick anyways. He was a few days old when he went 9 full hours at night I was worried as I was told I had to feed him every 4 hours, the MW did tell me then that it was a little too long to leave him so I felt like a rubbish mom even though she wasn't funny with me he had only just got home from the hospital & he was having feeding issues even though he was gaining weight. Since then we agreed together that I wouldn't wake him for feeds as he was gaining weight.

The other night he went 12 hours he has only done this the once & it hasn't caused him any harm. He doesn't sleep hardly at all during the day so it is no wonder that he sleeps well for me at night he will be shattered lol
My daughter is 5.5 weeks old and currently snoozing her way into her 7 th consecutive hour of sleep. I NEVER wake a sleeping baby and ignore those who say she needs waking for a feed. She's gaining weight, so who cares?! The person who suffers is me at the mo as my boobies are full of food for her!

Just enjoy it :-)
I've got 3 kids. My eldest was like your little one. He slept through 7:30 - 7:30 from 7 weeks. He was my first, so I had no clue this wasn't normal. He was a big baby so was taking a lot at each feed, so looking back he was definitely getting enough milk too. He's 9 now and still a great sleeper. My next child is now 6 and she didn't sleep through till she was 3! And my youngest is now 15 months, and has slept through since about 9 months other than a few hiccups. I guess what I'm trying to say is every baby is different. If you are happy your LO is getting enough at feeds. I'd go with the "you're so lucky!" Train of thought :-)

Ps: my good sleeper was also the one that kept up his naps till he was 4 too.

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