3 days overdue wondering when little man will


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2012
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Hi all

I'm 3 days over due so far...wondering when little man will make an appearance.... Tried all the natural ways to get labour started none have worked...
Good luck lucky heres hoping it will happen really soon, theres days I think im gona go then nothing baby is playing mind games lol
Bless, I was lucky, sort of, with my last baby as I was induced at 38 weeks due to pre-eclampsia so I didn;t have to wait around!

None of the methods really work, the timing is a very understandable coincidence. However, you can use this time to concentrate on getting baby into optimum position - birthball to open up your pelvis, scrubbing floors (or other interesting things) to get you on all fours to encourge baby not to be back to back, and walking out in the lovely sunshie to ensure you get a vitamin D boost and take your mind off of waiting!
It all started for me [naturally] at 40 +6, although baby didn't actually arrive until 41 + 2 :shock: :shock:

After going in for an induction at 41+5 I ended up giving birth naturally at 41+6.

Nothing I did helped, LO was just too comfy and stubborn. I think the threat of induction scared him out!

Hope LO comes soon for you xx
I read that first babies come on average 5 days late (if not induced) so I was determined not to be impatient, good thing because she was born at 41+10, I was starting to loose my nerve by then mind you!

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