2WW with PMS Begins....

It brought on a cough????? Slightly annoying :wall:

You are right about nature but sometimes i wish it would just hurry up! Had a friend who had a baby yesturday by CSection and i think we know of at least another 6 babies between now and October that are due. (including my nephew or niece)

Got a family holiday in April and would love to be able to tell people then as the whole family will be together but like you say got to let nature do its thing.

When will you be testing? I really do hope it is your month this month :pray:
well fertility friend tells me to test on the 18th as im expecting a 32 day cycle this time (im very irregular) but I might get tempted and test at 10dpo, i'll see how long I can hold out lol!
No i havnt, and my brain keeps screaming at me that it was implantation, but then I keep thinking it doesnt mean its going to stick :?

Ill just wait and see, I cant bare to get my hopes up to be disapointed again!
Easier said than done but trying and think of something else! Try planning a romantic night as a special treat for DF, and hopefully this will mean your mind is somewhee else - not sure if this is really wrong but while i am writting this trying to think of ways to seduce my DH! :oops:

Got a really important meeting this afternoon and now all i can think about is how to seduce DH! Don't think that is part of my Professional Code of Conduct! :rotfl:
lol why not though eh! Im at work now and have spent more time on here then I have doing any owrk, how naughty am I lol!

Thanks all your support :hug:
I know that feeling. Well i guess i had better go and try and do some work - been good talking to you and wishing you all the baby dust possible for this month - will keep an eye open for your BFP
Thanks hun, stay in contact and keep me updated on how your doing too :D :hug:

oh and dont work too hard!
charts looks so impressive when there not in celius lol nice to see ya temp still rising tho ! hope its ur month and u start a trend for us long timers lol
Hey GGG,

Did you have a temp rise this morning? I am useless at reading charts so apologies if it's stated quite clearly on there!

When are you planning to test? Good luck!

Valentine xxx
No a slight drop this morning but still way above the coverline - another week of staying above that line and I reckon im in with a pretty good chance! Ill probably test this weekend!

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