2nd November miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2015
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how long from when you miscarried by that i mean the day miscarriage started did u get your period, I wad rendered unconcious from blood loss on the 2nd of November, I had a dr remove the sack whilst i was awake, and on the 3rd of december i am bleeding, its a bit heavier than a normal period and more painful, do we think this is normal. the gynaecologists said i didn't need a scan as the sack was visible to them so they know they had got it all. I am just anxious its something untoward, I had a hell of a time my husband thought i was dying when the blood was gushing and i wad unconcious, I stopped bleeding about 10th nov and had brown discharge on and off till about 19th nov and this period began on the 3rd dec. it feels like a heavy period, there has defo been no preg in between as i havent had sex any advice appreciated as im panicked about it. its my 3rd miscarriage and by far the worst i lost a third of my blood volume from it and am on full dose iron for 12 weeks xx
I havent got my period back so I cant tell you from personal experience but it sounds like its quite likely to be a normal period. My bleeding started 3 weeks ago and is just coming to the end of the brown discharge stage and I got a close to positive OPK today so could expect af in a couple of weeks if I am ovulating. I have read a lot of ladies say they had a really heavy first period after a MC. My MW did say that if a tiny bit of tissue is left over after the MC then it can come out with your next period and shouldnt cause a problem but it can make your period heavier. Have you taken a pregnancy test? If not it might put your mind at rest to check that its a BFN. If you were still to get a BFP it can mean that something is left and it would probably be a good idea to do a scan.

I had a similar experience to you as far as blood loss went. I lost 2 liters of blood (so about the same as you) and went into shock and was unconscious. My BP and pulse were so low they had trouble measuring them. I think it was worse for my husband at the time because he was the one who saw me turn grey with my eyes rolling in my head. I took me a few days for it to hit me how close it had been. The combination of greiving our loss and recovering from such a traumatic time has been strange. I am still quite anemic but have improved a lot. Sorry you have had a rough time too. Hugs
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So sorry for your loss hun an wat a horrific time for you :( i either cant remember or dont want to remember but it didnt take long to stop bleeding i still had like on and off brown discharge then took 10weeks after mc for 1st period to appear take care xx
thank you ladies. its probably a normal period i suspect as i got a negativw
about 2 weeks ago now i feel sick and ill with it. the anxiety and thought of blood comimg out of me outs a shiver down my spine. bunny n, its traumered me into not trying again. I have one child so im lucky. i feel so ill at the moment xxx
So sorry for your loss and such a traumatic one at that x my afs were heavier for 6 months after my mcs they told me it was perfectly normal. If in doubt you can always phone up though. Hope your recovery goes smoothly now agree such a horrid time x x
Do you mind if I ask if you had any blood tests done to check your anemia? I'm wondering how quickly mine should improve. My MW said it could take 3 or 4 months to get back to normal but I've not found much information about it. I had my haemoglobin tested last week and it was 7.9 so still pretty low.
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in having a test on Tuesday, ive not had a test since. i feel like insides are sticking together xx

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