2nd night of feeling ill

Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Well lastnight when i got home i felt so drained and so ill i just went to bed and slept it off and again tonight i have felt ill and in fact have been sick a few times i also feel drained again :( Will this ease off shortly or is it just a natural thing:shock:
I had this around this time, went off food again and felt so rough, try and get some extra rest if you can its will wear off but could be back again around 34 weeks mine was but its gone again now
Thanks for the hint hun i have been asleep today and just woke up lol
hope you feeling a bit better, i know there is alot of bugs going around so maybe you have picked one of these up?? xx
Hope your feeling better after sleeping, did you take today off work then ?
i shouldve taken today off to sleep i think! had 11 hours sleep last night and im still so tired and i dont finish work til 10 pm tonight and i hate it!! know how you feel honey, hope you feel better soon! x
I think its part of being pregnant huni, I am feeling a bit like that yesterday and today just tired and drained cannot be bothered doing anything to be honest!! I had a day of cleaning planned but did nothing!!
Hey sweet, hope your feeling a bit better :hugs:
i feel abit better also eaten as well but now i feel very thirsty lol oh dear this is odd pregnancy just been kicked by a few times and also heartburn has decided to come today....I have a sore throat so prob dosent help that i do have a cold :( xx

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