2nd Fertility appointment...

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls, :)

Hope you are all well!

I've just been to my second fertility appointment and where I was expecting to either have to have a laparoscopy or to be given clomid but I've come away from the appointment not getting either, they have told me that I have to have another smear before starting treatment as I recently had a borderline result.

They have also made me an appointment to have my ectopy or cervical erosion frozen off, not because it causes any trouble TTC or otherwise but because it can make the smear test read abrormal when it's not, the thing with that is I have to wait 4 months for a repeat smear......so I won't be getting Clomid for 4 months.

Good news is that I won't need a laparoscopy before starting Clomid and also that he doesn't think I have a problem staying pregnant because even if you get a positive pregnancy test like I have the egg hasn't necessarily implanted and can just be flushed away, in other words a chemical pregnancy isn't the same as a miscarriage. He also expects that my tubes aren't blocked as I've got pregnant before.

I'm feeling ok about things, I have had my good response with Agnus castus and I'm being super super healthy so you never know I may just get a BFP before hand as I'm still allowed to TTC.

A little part of me feels like they're fobbing me off as I've only been TTC a year but I can't help thinking it's for the best, at least I'll be in perfect health by the time I have Clomid if I don't get lucky before and get a BFP!

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That is good news that you wont have to have the laparoscopy, the fact that you have to wait 4 months is a bummer, maybe you could book a holiday and have a nice break with hubby before starting on the clomid??

Did they tell you when your appt is to have the ectopy frozen off ? is it a in and out job or would you have to stay in hospital ?

I think it is great that you are being super healthy, I really need to get my arse in to gear and do the same, especially if I get given clomid next month. I have never been a big fan of smoothies, suppose I could get some fruit and eat plenty of veggies, if you have any good tips on healthy eating I would love to hear them.

X x X x X x
Hi Hun,

My appointments gonna be after my next AF just incase I get preggers this cycle, just an in and out job though.

I have too many hols planned in the next 4 months, Marbella, Ibiza then South of France so I'm certainly going to make to most of it.

I'm going to be super healthy in that time, I really recommend the following blender if you want to get lots of goodness and vitamins-


I've had a cabbage, beetroot, apple and ginger smoothie today, it's sounds gross but I swear its yummy!

If I get bored with TTC maybe I'll get my own Clomid online!!

I don't know whether is good news or bad news :eh:

I'd be really bummed out with a 4 month wait, but you seem ok and it is starting to sound like there is nothing wrong with you so no reason why you wouldn't have a very good chance of conceiving naturally during the wait :)

When is your appointment for your ectopy removal?

It's good that you are being so positive :)
Thinking of you, hope things work out for you :dust:

Eileen xxx
hi hun, i think the fact that you can concieve naturally as far as doctors are concerned is great as louise says! enjoy your holidays you lucky lady!! and il send lots of bfp prayers to the baby gods in the meantime for you xxx
Hey Maybe,

Sorry to hear about the wait, but loving your outlook :) I really hope you get your BFP soon. You're a lucky girl with so many hols to look forward to!

Thanks for the replies girls, I am cool about things really, I think partly because I was having nightmares about not being to have to conceive at all with the whole colposcopy nightmare.

My appointment's the week commencing the 10th April, just after AF so I'll be out of TTC that month while it heals then I'll TTC May and June and get my smear done end of July if I haven't conceived naturally and need to start Clomid.

The only thing I'm not too sure about is that the Doc was a bit flakey he didn't discuss any possible reasons for me not conceiving and didn't have any interest in anything to do with my cycles or short luteal phase.

Part of me thinks I should go private and get a second opinion and part of me thinks I should stop stressing and just get on with TTC and not worry and over analyse things to do with my cycle.

Mmmmm maybe I'll be less positive after I get AF.....:eh:

I was a bit like that while we were waiting for hubby's karotype results and having nightmares :hug:

Even when i paid private my consultant seemed to skim over results that i thought were important.

He didn't care about my fsh and progesterone results, he was more interested in my cycles in general.

I don't think you need to worry about getting second opinions just yet unless you are feeling really stressed about it :)

Hopefully your AF won't come and you'll already be pregnant, but honestly Maybe i think everything is going to turn out fine for you. I don't have any alarm bells ringing anyway ;)
Thanks Louise!

Yep I'm going to CHILL :cool:from now on I guess if you count last month and the month I had off at Xmas I'm only 10 months TTC, so things could be worse...

I'm going to try and make the most of life without a bubba and do things I wouldn't really be able to, and would wish I could do once I have one.

I'm going to be naughty and get Botox again if I don't get my BFP this month as I'll be off TTC after getting my cervix fixed for a few weeks.

I'm going to really hit the gym and get looking super slim and healthy for all my hols and get some really high 70s style platforms to dance in in Ibiza and try to stay up to watch the sunrise, rather that get up at sunrise to a screaming baby!!

I'm such a liar...I'd swap all of that for a BFP anyday, I'm just playing it cool! ;)

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I'm going to buy a smoothie maker today! I have just decided!

Then you can give me some of your disgusting sounding but guaranteed tastey recipes :)
Thanks Princess, it will probably only last until the witch arrives!

Thanks Girls!!

PMA has turned to WTF now though as I've had another positive OPK at 5dpo Grrrrr!! :eh:


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