2nd early scan tomorrow

Annie, all of the best tomorrow! I really hope that everything is ok!
Lots and lots of love and hugs xxxx
Good luck for tomorrow I shall say a prayer for you. Got everything crossed. xxxx
Wishing you all the luck tomorow, I will be hoping you get good news Annie X
Really, really, really good luck for tomorrow Annie!! Have everything crossed for you. xxxxxxx
Good luck for today Annie, got everthing crossed for you and LO xx
I wish u all the luck in the world and will pray for you! Just think u didn't even no if u would make it to this scan and you have so don't give up hope! We will all be thinking of you honey and ur healthy little bean. I hope u get everything u want and hear that little heartbeat xx
Hi Ladies,

As I expected there was no baby and no heartbeat - the sac had grown 3mm since last week which obviously isn't enough.

I am honestly fine, please don't feel sad for me, I don't.

The only thing that is kind of annoying is that because the sac isn't over 22mm with no baby and because there was a change in size since last week, they won't do anything to bring the pregnancy to an end yet - I have to wait 2 more weeks and then go back, have another scan and then I can have some treatment.

Other than that, I promise you, I am fine. I was upset last week but have moved on mentally and emotionally and am looking forward to enjoying a few drinks over the weekend. Might even have a glass of the red stuff tonight! :) x
Aw hun, I'm sorry to read your news. You seem to be coping well so I hope you can get this over with quickly and enjoy your red wine tonight, thinking of you x
aww hunny i am still so sorry :(

u shud enjoy half a dozen! really hope ur ok! ur a strong woman! xxx
So sorry hun thinking of you. Well done for being so incredibly brave and positive. Your time will come hun. xxx
I think the thing people don't realise is that there is really nothing to feel sad about in this situation or with my last MC. Neither of them ever showed a baby, the baby never developed so I've not really lost a baby, just the 'dream' if you like.

I think it's different having a MC if your baby lived and then died and I've not had to go through that. xx

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