2nd early scan tomorrow

no mrs i dont think it is, because u believed there to have been a baby u wouldnt feel emotionally any different as u wudnt have known there was no baby to begin with!

u r entitled to some TLC hun! ur always here for everyone else and never want fussing over urself!! :hug:

I'm so sorry it wasn't better news Annie, I was really hoping it would be. :hugs: x x
So sorry to hear this hun, I agree with piglet10 and I tried the same. I went to an early scan at 11 weeks and the sac only measured 5 weeks no baby seen. Even a week later it measured 5 and a half weeks with the yolk sac. I kept trying tell myself there was no baby to lose and my body was just tricking me! But after being attached to my bean for 8 weeks this became really hard.

I hope u can get some answers from the epu soon, I got left after each scan for a week and mc'ed naturally after the second one and before e third which showed I passed most of it. Don't beat urself up down the line if u start to get sad, but I do admire ur positivity and ur strongness. :hugs: :hugs: xxx
I am sorry it's such a long and dragged out process, if it is blighted ovum, I do hope they can sort it asap for you. And whilst you say there is no baby there, you still have hopes when you have bfp and you imagine things so it's still hard emotionally I think.
Take care hun, did they tell you to come back in another 2 weeks?
So sorry annie, you are being very strong! Xxxx
Hun I love your attitude and it really shows how strong you are. My friend went through the same and had exactly the same attitude as you.
I hope you continue to ttc and have your lo. Unfortunately we don't know the reasons why it's just our job to get through it :hugs: xxx
i know exactly where your coming from Annie as i dont think there was ever a baby there when i mc either and i kind of had the same attitude, its more disappointment i think than anything! so you go and enjoy a nice glass or 2 of the red stuff indeed :) xx
keep strong hun! least you can ttc again very soon and next time lets hope there a keeper. everyone deals with this differently but im sure you will be fine. take care and enjoy yourself x

Make a pregnancy ticker

My little angel 20/3/11 :angel2:
Sorry to hear this Annie you have defo been on an emotional rollercoaster recently and deserve that glass of red stuff! xx
Annie, I'm sorry! It's absolutely unfair in my opinion that someone who o buoyant would have loved a lo isn't being granted the chance this time!
I am so impressed with your attitude! You are inspirational! I hope that you thoroughly enjoy that red tonight! Have another one tomorrow, and perhaps a bottle on Friday!

Lots of hugs xxxxx
Thanks ladies- DH got White rather than red but all good :)
:hug: That's sad news but so impressed with your attitude towards it. Enjoy some drinkies :)
To me lol! Cheers! X


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Sorry to hear your news but good luck for the next one. The wine looks bloody good!!!! xxxx

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