28, baby no heart beat, waiting for misscarriage, and fibroid , pl advice


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Mar 8, 2013
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I am 28, this was my first pregnancy. I was 12 weeks, and the scan report says baby has no heart beat. we were so devastated. they suggested us to wait for a natural abortion for two weeks.
Besides in the report it says, there is a fibroid at uterine fundus measuring around 7 cm. Big one.

Could I become pregnant again with the big fibroid?
What are the chances of this fibroid making problem during pregnancy?
Does the position of the fibroid matters?
If this need to be removed, what are the options? would it affect next conception and pregnancy?
Has anybody become pregnant with such large fibroid? what was the complications if any had?
I am waiting for a natural abortion, as I heard the news today. Would it make any problem for natural abortion?
If abortion is not happening, what are the chances of infection?
if infection happend what can I do? would it affect next pregnancy?

I have written lot of questions. being in a desperate situation, I am writting all these.

If you can answer to any of these, it would have been helpful.

Many thanks

Sorry for your loss honey! In terms of fibroids etc Im afraid I have no experience of it. All I say is take care of you and your oh at this time. You need time to grieve and makev time for the 2 of you! Xxxx
Hi Mary. I'm really sorry I don't know the answers to your questions but i'm sure someone will be along soon who knows a little more than me x I didn't want to read the thread and then not comment and leave you feeling like you are not getting any help x today must have been an awful shock hun and thinking about all this on top must be leaving you in a very bad place. My mum has always had fibroids and has had 3 healthy pregnancies but I'm not sure how big they were when she carried us if that makes sense? I hope you get the answers you need x am thinking of you x
thanks to you both. I am waiting for nature to take it's course. But really feeling insecure as there is a possibility of infection, which may affect future fertility. Once infected, where it would be infected, ovary or uterus? how fast can I take medicine? how effective?
I dont know anything. Sorry for sharing my fears.
Hi Mary,
I'm so so sorry for your loss, and i'm sending you lots of love xxxx
in terms of fibroids I have 4 of them, (I knew I had one after having a laparoscopy in 2011) then at my 12 week scan they picked up another 3, they can cause problems conceiving but the fact that you did implies that you wouldn't have any problems (I didn't and as I said I gave 4) in terms of pregnancy I have been referred to a consultant but the only problem they really pose is if they are in the way of the cervix then you cant have a natural birth as they would be blocking the cervix so therefore would need a C section. I was told by my sonographer that they aren't anything to worry about at this stage, I have a friend who has a larger fibroid and she has a lot of bleeding all the time and she is having hers removed because her bleeding is so bad, but she has been told she can still have children etc.
I'm so sorry you are going through this, sadly lots of women do have miscarriages and there is nothing you have done or you could to have prevented it, its just natures way if the baby wasn't compatible with life, it is incredibly unfair though.
In terms of you conceiving again, I don't think the fibroids would be a problem, talk to your GP and ask ti be referred to a gynaecologist.
Again I'm so sorry Mary, sending much love xxxx
so sorry for your loss, so glad you got some good and reassuring advice there from Anna.

I opted for a D&C after my 12 week mmc in 2010 and it started naturally about 4 days after finding out it had gone. I still needed the D&C in the end as my body couldn't remove it all, but that's not always the case. I just needed to get out of limbo myself. Just take it easy and some time for you and your oh XX
i am going to see doc to discuss about D&C
hiya,ive got a fibroid which grew to 8cm in my last pregnancy,my baby is 6 months old and it didnt cause me any problems.it does depend onwhere it is as to what problems it can cause.mine was at the fundus on the outside so it didnt affect the baby,they can grow in pregnancy because of the hormones or they can shrink or stay the same,they also can cause pain and like the other person said if they are low down covering your cervix you have to have a cs ,the other thing is when you deliver you have to be careful as you can bleed more as the fibroid can stop the uterus from contracting so therefore you can bleed but they take precautions and like in my case i was fine,the only fibroids that can cause problems is the ones inside your uterus as they can grow large and take up room and therefore stop babys growth and you can go into preterm labour,do you know what type of fibroid you have? subserosal,intramural etc,mine was an intramural fundal fibroid xx

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