24week appointment


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2010
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Hi guys, hope everyone is good. Haven't been around much over the last week or so... My nan was taken into hospital. Shes on the mend now though so il be around a bit more... plus yesterday a nurse came over and said i should stay away being pregnant coz she's still on an assessment ward an they get people with allsorts on there. I was fuming coz the first day she went in I asked if I should stay away and another nurse said it's fine as long as I use the alcohol hand stuff. Idiots!

Anyways... Had my 24week midwife appointment today, all was great. Checked urine, BP, and she noticed my bump had finally arrived, i woke up last week an it had just popped out! So she measured bump too... measuring 24cms which she said is spot on? Also got to listen to the heartbeat an as she did baby was kicking! She could see it kicking and we could hear the kicks on the monitor too! Amazing! Can't believe how quick time is going! Hope everyone is well, I'm off for a proper read/catch up.

glad everything was ok. and pleased to hear your nan is on the mend. xxx
Hey hun I had been wondering where you were!

Glad everything is ok and your pregnancy is going well. Hope your nan makes a full recovery and is back at home very soon xx
Hi there - glad hings are improving with your nan.

Re the nurses, I understand the frustration! For crying out loud it wasnt a complex quetion you asked her. The good thing is that your ok.

Welcome to bump land :preg:
Thanks! I know, I couldn't believe it... I thought my mum was gonna explode with anger coz they haven't been the best with my nan either. Never mind!

Bump world is brill! I can't stop touching it all the time, feels like I'm moisturising all of the time for a valid reason now! Got some stretch marks too, I'm not too bothered as they are quite thin and short at the moment but I'm hoping they don't get worse. I don't think oil/ moisturising does much for me! Annoying though coz my mum and nan literally had none!!!

Glad your all well xxxx
Glad you enjoyed your appointment :) My baby always tries to kick the monitor off when being checked for heartbeat - he doesn't like it for some reason!! Glad you're nan is on the mend xx
So glad you had a lovely experience with the MW appointment, it makes the world of difference doesn't it? Hope your nan get's well soon x
Thanks for the nice comments about my nan, bless her! Yeah it was a really nice appointment. Have next on the 31st she said they do lots of bloods but... I cannot wait! I realise that sounds sooo weird but I don't mind needles at all and after coming from there I feel like things are progressing and go on a bit of a high! Xxx
I don't mind needles at all either...certainly makes life easier!! The strange thing though is that I'm 33 weeks now and midwife hasn't taken any blood from me since 12 weeks!! I think I'm due some at next appt but that is at 36 weeks. I did have alot of blood taken when I was in hospital though so I guess all is ok! xx
Yeah it does make things easier! They must have taken what they needed whilst u were in hospital, I'm sure they are on top of everything. U dong sound too worried but if u do start to get on the phone to your midwife! Xxx
was thinking about you the other day an dwondering where you got to
hope you nan makes a speedy recovery
im at the midwife next week not seen her since well before my 20 week scan haha
Yeah it does make things easier! They must have taken what they needed whilst u were in hospital, I'm sure they are on top of everything. U dong sound too worried but if u do start to get on the phone to your midwife! Xxx

Nahh I'm not a worrier, lol, I'm not bothered - had plently of bloods taken in hospital so know everything is fine!! xx
was thinking about you the other day an dwondering where you got to
hope you nan makes a speedy recovery
im at the midwife next week not seen her since well before my 20 week scan haha

Yeah she's been moved from the assessment ward to another so I'm gonna pop in later.
Is it because it's not your first baby that u haven't seen her for a while? Or is it a mistake and u should have? Xxx
Yeah it does make things easier! They must have taken what they needed whilst u were in hospital, I'm sure they are on top of everything. U dong sound too worried but if u do start to get on the phone to your midwife! Xxx

Nahh I'm not a worrier, lol, I'm not bothered - had plently of bloods taken in hospital so know everything is fine!! xx

I'm the same, but have to admit at the start I would panic about little things which isn't really like me but think it was mostly to do with what your not allowed to eat. Im glad it's worn off now! Xxx
Yeah it does make things easier! They must have taken what they needed whilst u were in hospital, I'm sure they are on top of everything. U dong sound too worried but if u do start to get on the phone to your midwife! Xxx

Nahh I'm not a worrier, lol, I'm not bothered - had plently of bloods taken in hospital so know everything is fine!! xx

I'm the same, but have to admit at the start I would panic about little things which isn't really like me but think it was mostly to do with what your not allowed to eat. Im glad it's worn off now! Xxx

Although I had a MASSIVE panic last Sunday when I thought I hadn't felt him move for ages and couldn't remember when I'd last felt him - that was bloody awful!!! xxx

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