

Im Vicki also 19 and my partner is 21.
We have been trying for 3 cycles now so hopefully not much longer.

BUT im sorry to say that as u have only come off pill today u could be in for a long wait until your next proper period as i waited 60days. Its very normal to have to wait but a small number are ok but not many.
So your chances of Conceiving this month are slim as you would still have the pill in your system. which can take a few months to get back to normal.

Im so sorry as i know this is not want you want to hear
Add me to msn or email for a chat if you want.


i only had to wait 3 weeks for first "proper" period since coming off pill so dont be too disheartened. This is also our first month ttc. Good luck & baby dust!
my sis got caught first month of the pill twice so it can happen
My collegue got pregnant while she was ON the pill :D
well i can hope cant i? thanks you lot - im sure i will be on here alot more in recent months :)

how many of you are actually pregnant now then? first timers...

you thought of any names?

ive already got the names i like...

for a boy Bayley or Liam and for a girl i like Chloe Emily but not 100% sure... :)
Though we were a bit naughty last month this is our first month TTC. I'm due on next week so keeping fingers crossed.

No haven't thought of names yet :rotfl:

Im still TTC, have thought of my names already but probabily change them when the time comes

For a Boy - Calum
For a Girl - Cassidy

ahh wondered what it meant lol!!

i know people probably think we are too young to be thinking about having a baby but we have been together along time and know it feels right, we cant wait to have a little baby!!!!

i fell pregnant this time and last time while being on the pill!!
MissGobby said:
ahh wondered what it meant lol!!

i know people probably think we are too young to be thinking about having a baby but we have been together along time and know it feels right, we cant wait to have a little baby!!!!


I know what you mean, 100% im only 19 and do get some funny looks when i say im TTC but i dont let it bother me if i think me and oh are ready then let be it so. Ive been with my partner for 5 years and think its the right time and cant wait until it happens.

vicki :hug:
This is our first month too, and I have already thought about names

Boy: Tyler or Mason

Girl: Fraya, Savannah or Ava

I only waited 3 weeks for my first period too so it can happen. :D
well im unsure how im going to go about this, simply becuase i always forget to take my pill all the time and then when my bloke is home i usually start a new packet to ensure i dont come on while he is home!! but now i have come off, i dont really understand the ovulation etc. and so unsure of the best time to concieve?!? :|
Google OPK's (ovulation predictor kits)

They are less complicated than checking your temperature (also something well worth looking into though)

OPK's are pee sticks that have a line as strong as the test line when you are due to ovulate and a line fainter or not their at all when you are not. They detect the hormone surge that occurs 12 - 36 hours before you ovulate and as sperm last longer than our eggs (up to 5 days) you'll have more chance od catching a baby if you Baby dance from the day you get a positive opk for 2/ 3. Also if you buy them off ebay you can get loads for not much money.

Hope this helps.

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