21 day bloods again tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Well im on cd 21 again tomorrow so have to go give bloods. Means being late for work again. I actually just feel a little frustrated now with all these formalities and procedures that we need to follow. I know Ive not ovulated as on the 12 day scan the biggest follicle was only 11.5. Only one that size on 100mg of clomid is not a success. Also no peak on my cbfm. Ill find out on Monday that I didnt then be told I have to come back next Fri for another pointless blood test and late at work again. Then have to wait another 2 weeks till I have to do a hpt. Then a scan and then an increased dose of 150mg. It will be mid January by then!!!!I know my own body Ive been right all along. I just wish that they would listen or speed up the process!

Oh Im sorry for this moan but I really am scunnered now. Can't afford private so have to stay with the NHS! Why wont my body just blooming work? Whats wrong with me I have no answers!
i've never heard the word scunnered before. I'm sorry its taking sooo long! i can understand why though, they have to go by the book , better that than miss something x x x
Ha Kirstmichelle that made me laugh that you haven't heard scunnered before! It must be a Scottish word! I find its very descriptive! Lol

I know why it takes so long in my sensible head! Just my heart at times takes over! Girl at work growing by the minute, stopping for maternity next Fri so have the pregnancy chat all day at work. Followed by all my best friends gorgeous babies getting cuter by the second!

Ill come out of it soon hopefully! Had a wee unexpected day off work today courtesy of the hurricane, which was nice! Need to look forward to all the good things!
so what does it mean then?? lol

huricane? good god . I had a nightmare of a day today x
Its so hard when there are pregnant people and new babies all around.
My sister has a 2 month old and I have been working for 6 months with 3 pregnant ladies so I've been bombarded by baby bumps/questions.

Hopefully the blood tests will be over fast and you'll have the answers you need.
Your blood tests sound like what I'm going to have to do every week for 4 weeks, well 3 weeks now. Its a pain but we'll get our answers.

I've never heard scunnered before either :) I'm wondering now :lol: x
The wind has been gusts of 90 miles per hour up here, its wild. Everything has pretty much shut and stopped! Crazy!

Scunnered means completely fed up! Good old Scottish word like blether!
Sorry that you're frustrated Laura, but it'll be another test down :hug:

I found it really frustrating too, you just have to keep on top of them and don't let them bs you with appointments ages off - stay proactive and it'll go faster :)
Ah Lou your new avatar makes me smile!

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