2011 edition, What are you having for dinner?

I'm dieting :-( so it's fish, salad and a few cheeky oven chips tonight x
I have cheesy, chilli pasta tonight with garlic bread and sour cream!!
All sounds mouthwatering! Wish I was creative in the kitchen! We're having a Chinese tonight..feel like pigging out!
I just had pizza tonight, was naughty lol.

Does anyone have a decent brocolli soup recipe? I made it last week but it was bland. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to add stilton, I know I can't have it cold, am I allowed it in soup or is it a no? If its a no, is there any safe cheese I can add so my brocolli soup actually tastes of something?

xx x x
Cajun & Herb chicken, with rice and carrots, peas and sweetcorn. :)
Cool will have some idea's by looking at this thread. An also maybe reciepes on here ?? what do people think lol x
We're having chicken and chips!
Sounds naughty, but they're oven chips and the chicken is skinless fillets done in the George Foreman.
Dunno what to have with it though..... [still not had it at 9:30, how bad is that! tut-tut!]
We had beans (liked the ones used for baked beans but cooked from dry) cooked in a tomatoey sauce with chunks of beef for 3 hours .. kind of like a bean stew with rice last night and have got it again tonight yummm
hmm eitherway im makin tacopie or i just buy some fish fillets n marinate them n stick in the oven with salad.. i know whats most healthy .... :cool: it will prob be tacopie
fajitas :) then glass of wine and one born every minute!
ive just had steak chips peas onion rings and mushrooms all cooked by my dh :) dont i have a great man it was lush too
Mmm im thinkong of frying some mozarella dippers and sticking a pizza in for myself :lol:
omg this is making me hungry!!! i just had jamaican rice n peas with spicy chicken!! yummmmmm
I had a really weird dinner tonight:
Tuna sandwiches with cheese&brocoli pasta and a handful of chips! :rofl:
Tonight im making lasagne, chips and cheesy garlic bread yummm.. im getting hungry already :D

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