20 Week Scan


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2006
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Sorry it's late buty just wanted to let you all know, everything is ok, baby has everything it should :cheer:

Lasted ages, baby was wriggling around I had to lay on my back, then my left side so she could get a good shot, then on my back, then I had an enormous triangle pillow shoved under and was practically lay on my neck and all the blood rushed to my head, then on my back again, then I had to lie on my right and finally she tilted the bed so I was nearly sliding feet first off the end
Little Monkey is causing me grief already :lol:

Oh and we decided not to find out the sex and have a surprise instead.

How strange they did all that to you, they told me too go off and have a walk, eat chocolate and come back.

Glad alls ok with LO, and welcome to the surprise club :cheer:
glad everything went ok hun
at my 20 week scan i was on my back first then got told to lay on my side but she still couldnt do everything she wanted to so she told meto go for a walk and have a choccy bar!!!

Glad it all went ok. I had this experience when having ds2. They tilted the bed upright, but so that my head was nearest the floor - the blood really did rush to my head and I felt a bit strange for a while afterwards!!

We are not finding out the sex either - we didn't with our first 3 - it's nice to have the surprise after all that effort of labour!!

Heather x
hi charm, glad to hear the scan went well, if a little weird i had to lie on my side and swap sides a few times with my 20wk scan with ryan.

how did you fight the temptation to ask the sex, i always go in with the intention of not askin then get carried away n ask anyway lol.
glad all went well with the scan ,even if it did take a lot of effort
Sounds a bit of a marathon but at least it all turned out good in the end. Must be lovely to see the baby at 20 weeks. I can't wait :D

Hi Charm

Good news! And bless you for the gymnastics...what a little monkey you've got in there!

Pea x

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