20 week scan yesterday and we are team.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2011
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We managed to resist the temptation to ask and decided a surprise would be best. I do however admit to paying close attention to that area during the scan but it wasn't obvious (to me anyway!) either way.
The scan was amazing and I coulnt believe how much detail you could see. The sonographer also let us hear the heartbeat for the first time because this is the last appt that OH will get time off for - I had a definite lump in my throat when I heard it and thought OH was gonna cry!

Off work now for a few days so taking some time to relax and chill out.
Hope you girls are all well :)
Great news so glad all is well. Enjoy your time off xx
well done for sticking team yellow, I'm also team yellow and I sometimes just wish i knew but at the same time I'm glad I resisted the temptation.
Woo hoo!!! Go team yellow!!! Well done honey xxx

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Congratulations! Well done staying team yellow! I saw the ball sack on mine and thought they were ovaries so I could have stayed team yellow after all! Amazingly clear arent they! Wish I could do it all over again xxx
Woop for team yellow! I love the fact that I still have this surprise to come! x
Fantastic and well done for staying team yellow... We are too very exciting. I'm so pleased it all went well for you and that your bubs is happy and healthy. Xxx:)
Really glad your scan went well hun :) and well done for staying team yellow! x x
Glad all is well! :D & Well done for staying team yellow xx
Excellent news that all is well, and yay to staying team yellow

Hi Laura :) I remember you from ttc... So glad everything is going well and you managed to stay team yellow :) xxx
congrats and well done for staying team yellow x
Hi Laura :) I remember you from ttc... So glad everything is going well and you managed to stay team yellow :) xxx

Hi Ceebee! Yeh, given our circumstances I'm sooooo relieved that everything is going so smoothly :) xx

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