!!20 week scan today!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2010
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I have my 20 week scan today at 3:15, sooooo excited but quite nervous too! How was everyone elses 20 week scan??
Not quite at 20 week scan time yet but just wanted wish you luck!!!! How exciting! Are you finding out the sex? x x x
Good luck :) are you finding out sex? My scan was pretty rushed as all they do is check all the heart chambers and check baby for anything that doesnt seem normal but its good to see baby :) so its not as long as the 1st scan x
I don't think we're going to find out what it is, we really want a surprise hehe but I'm not sure we'll resist the temptation!!

Ohh really? I thought this one was longer because of them checking everything, oh well at least I get to see it again :):) And I hope we have the same lady scanning me too, she was so lovely!!
At my hospital you have someone different as you have to go round the other side of the clinic, its weird here lol. Well its nice to have a suprise, i couldnt keep this one a suprise i was in too much suspense haha! But yea im pretty sure that 20wk scan is shorter, maybe im wrong but mine was only 1/4 of the time that my 12wk one was. And he stopped the scan and went back to ask me if i wanted to no the sex for sure then he spent 1second saying "theres his willie" lol x
good luck for today hun xx
Got mine on Thursday and really cannot wait! I'm dying to see him or her again. Don't know whether I can be as strong as you in not finding out but whatever you decide, enjoy the moment and get the piccies on here asap so we can all coo over them xx
Mine was definitely shorter too, I was in there for probably around 15 minutes or so. Was lovely to see everything again though, and we've stayed on team yellow.

I hope you have a lovely scan, don't forget to post pics!!
Ahh thankyou ladies I'm so excited!! Me and my OH havn't stopped txtn all morning, we're bouncing! We call ourselves team bears hehe
Awww, good luck!! :D
Iv got mine on thursday, i already know the sex but its still exciting to see little man again
Dont forget to post pictures!! :)

I still havn't put up my first scan pictures, I'm useless lol!

Btw, how much do I have to drink before this scan? I absolutely cannot do a litre of water like I did last time, I will wee myself in the waiting room!!
Good luck for the scan this afternoon. I still have a while to wait. Really hoping that the 20 week one is longer though cos my 12 week one was really short - only in there for about 5 minutes including time to get on and off table and apply and remove gel. They were still really nice though.
With my 1st scan i drank a litre and my bladder was too full so i had to empty it. and with this one i didnt get told how much to drink so i just had a small glass bout 2hrs before and that was enough but i think its about a litre most hospitals say x
Well what an exciting trip! Turned up to the hospital and ended up waiting 45 mins for my scan which to be honest I didnt mind, me and my OH had a right giggle. We went there with the mind set that we were definately not finding out, but after ten minutes of waiting came to the conclusion we reeally couldn't wait until august =P so I'm now officially team blue!! Everything looked fine with the heart, brain, kidneys and top of the spine, but bubba was in a funny position and wouldn't move, even when I was sent for a walk and came back he still insisted on sleepin sittin down!! So I have another scan next Wednesday to check the bottom of the spine and the kidneys again just to make sure.

All in all we are two happy happy parents to be :)
Congratulations!! at least you will get to see your little man again :):)
Well done Yoshi, lovely that all is well with your baby and you even get another scna next week cool

Team blue !!!! yayyyyy :dance::boy:

pics of 12 week and 20 weekscans please you know we love a good scan pic on here!!
awww congratulations!! Seems like the people that have found out for august are having boys lol x
hooray for a great scan :) And another next week too you lucky thing!!
my 20week scan was a long one, they put loads of different effects on the screen to show how the kidneys were working and the bladder and they measured the head and checked the ribs and everything

they told us the sex and counted his limbs and showed us him moving around it was really a very magical moment for me and Liam to see our little bean in his new baby-like form

i just cant wait to meet him now :D

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