20 week scan and consultant led appointment- what to expect


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2011
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Ok so today I had my 20 week scan and incase any ladies would like to know what happened and what to expect I wanted to let you know my experience, I'm going to be honest and do not want to scare anyone so only read ahead if you genuinely want to know;

I arrived for my appointment bladder full feeling sick, and was seen by the monographer within about 15 minutes- she explained the purpose of the anomaly scan and asked if we would like to know the gender of the baby- YES YES YES! Now because I am overweight I held my tummy so she could do the scan and we saw the baby moving around straight away, the monographer showed us the kidneys, head which she measured, spine, face, feet, arms.... but the little spud decided enough was enough and refused to co operate from then on *sigh* The monographer then asked me to wipe my belly clean (of gel) and do star jumps (seriously!!!) in an attempt to cox baby into moving....10 star jumps later and baby had only moved a fraction, so whilst she was able to say he's a boy and show us his little willy she was not able to check his heart chambers, spine or brain properly so I am back in for another scan tuesday (extra chance to see the little man!) but everything else appeared normal!

Next I went back into the waiting area and was called into see the consultant- although a little puzzled at first as it was a health care advisor not a dr doing my checks- blood pressure, urine sample (take one with you!) asking a couple of questions etc- all good. Once the checks had been done (obviously beneath a consultants pay level) I met my consultant - there were 2 of them a lovely lady Lou in her 30's and a very very very very very very (cannot stress this enough) scrummy young (maybe late 20's) male dr. T

Consultant led

Lou politely asked if I knew why i was here - yup because i am very overweight, she then said ok and asked me how i was doing i talked to her about the hyperemiesis and how dr reused to prescribe me anything over than avomine which was not working, she prescribed me something else (all good so far) she then went on to explain the risks of being overweight-

Not being able to manually check size of baby requiring extra scans at 32 and 36 weeks to check babies growth - great an extra chance to see spud!

Routine blood pressure checks to make sure i don't develop pre eclampsia,

A glucose tolerance test (which she explained they offer to all women with a bmi over 30 and seeing as mine is in the 40's...) to be done by community midwife at 28 weeks

A referral to the anaesthetist as dr explained that there may be some difficulty having an epidural and the anaesthetist on duty at the time may need to get someone else to help... she never once said you won't be able to have one, just the problems that could present - I won't have that appointment till nearer the time.

The increased risk of needing a c/s and possible problems that could occur- longer healing times, possible complications and going underneath my tummy....

The risk of a tear with a vaginal birth because apparently being as overweight as i am the birth canal is apparently narrower or assisted delivery with forceps or ventouse ...

Risk of heavier bleeding haemorrhaging- which she explained that they would put a drip in my arm if that happens (i presume thats to clot blood)

I asked would she suggest a vaginal birth or a c/section and she said a vaginal birth definitely and that due to the increasing weight of the population they have many bigger women with a bmi over 40 have successful vaginal births - so all good so far

They asked if i would like to be referred to a dietician, I explained i was still doing slimming world and had lost 4 stone and was continuing with SW (otherwise my bmi would have been in the 50's!!) but seeing as i want the healthiest pregnancy i can have that yes i would like a referral - which i'll receive in the post.

I'll point out increased risk doesn't been likelihood or WILL happen- thats what the consultants are there for to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible

Next she asked if i have any questions

1st dumb question

Is it safe to eat pineapple?
Yes, there is an enzyme in pineapple which people believe to bring on labour if your overdue but dr has had many patients that have tried it and it has not worked, besides to actually consume enough of the enzyme I'd have to eat ALOT of pineapple in one sitting.

Which side should I be sleeping on?
Left- either side is better than sleeping on your back, however left side is preferable and what they advise pregnant women.

Overall I knew most of the risks and although I didn't plan on getting pregnant till after i reached target, my consultants were great and even kept apologising if they were upsetting me! I was more brutal than them and explained i'd done my homework and was aware of the risks - Lou seemed generally surprised at how open and head on i was about the subjects and unfazed (maybe they have a lot of patients that cry or get distressed?)

I'd like to point out i am not that unfazed but the only thing i can do right now is be as healthy as possible (haven't put on any weight since being pregnant!) and continue as I am- maybe Ill start freaking closer to my due date, but i was planning on doing that anyway :toonlass:

I hope all other ladies on consultant led care have a dr as hot as mine and really nice caring dr's who are non judgemental and put you at ease :) xxxx
Lol at the hot doctor (need a pic!!!) and starjumps furbaby!

Seriously though, an interesting and well informed account of what happened which I'm sure will be very helpful to others.

You sound like you are really motivated and know as much as the consultants!!

Wishing you all the best xxx
I pretty much informed myself as soon as I found out I was expecting - google a pregnant womans best friend (I did find this place after all) and wise nightmare

Starjumps whilst feeling sick- not a good idea! besides I was the one doing flipping star jumps not spud he was comfortable as can be didn't ten feel inclined to move!
Star jumps that really made me laugh...hope I don't have to do that with the size of my boobs at the moment!

When I had my 12 week scan they explained all that to me then coz I'm over weight with health issues. I have to see consultant for my weight (bmi 42) spine (spondylosis), asthma and arthritis. Got loads of appointments before my 20 week scan....

Got an app for a glucose tolerance test on 12th April and they told me I might not be able to have epidural :( Also said they were worried about putting me under if I had to have an emergency c-section!

All seems so scary!

I might as well prepare myself for just gas and air!
Very comprehensive account and will be very useful. I had no idea that they put you under a consultant just for being overweight. I am also consultant led but this is because of some problem smear tests I had a few years ago, although my BMI is 29/30 so wonder if this was also a reason, although my consultant (also lovely but unfortunately not hot!!! lol) hasn't discussed any weight related birth issues with me. He wanted to discharge me after my 20 week scan but unfortunately I have a borderline low placenta so am getting another scan at 34 weeks where he will discuss birth options with me. Like you, I have been quite impressed with my antenatal care so far and feel all my concerns have been well addressed. Roll on a very healthy last few weeks!!! And well done you for losing so much weight already - I'm very impressed!! I'm thinking slimming world calls after baby is born...
sounds like you got a brill team looking after you xxx

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