Hi all!
I am 23 and married just before 4 months. These 4 months only my period cycle changed from 28 to 32 days & and I have lengthy period (5 to 7 days). Last month I consulted the docor, my ultrosonic result shows I have PCOD. I was shocked. Feb6th I had a period. My doctoqg advised me to take norethisterone to regulate the period. I took 6 days (4 tab per day as per advice, after finished my period) I had fatiuge, bad stomach pain, breas tender and pain to touch. Again I had a period on feb 23(15 days gap)but still I have fatigue, breast tender, etc I could be pregnant? Or these are the side effmdct of the tablet? Pls tell me. I am confushed. I have morning sickness alsoi I can't getup. Pls help me