1st scan @ 17 weeks????!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
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Hey ladies,

So i'm 11 weeks on Monday, I've just moved to northamptonshire from London. I managed to get an appointment with the midwife at 10weeks to check ( i booked the app at 8 weeks).

I have now recieved my first scan date through the post which is going to be on the 27/4 when i am 17 weeks!!! First scan ladies..........

I am feeling quite sad about this. Am i over reacting?

Im wondering whether i should cut my losses and go private!

Thoughts please??
That's rubbish, it's normally 12w and 20w. I'd ask about that and if that's right I'd have a private one too x
thats what i thought!

Ohh this has really stressed me out... how can they expect people to wait until 17 weeks for a first scan??x
Can you phone them up and try and change it? maybe they made a mistake with dates?
My midwife said that there is at least a 5 week waiting list, and no matter how much you try and get it changed u wont be able to.

Its just unfortunate that i moved up here so late in the game, because they can't get me in any earlier.

I'll be calling them first thing on monday though x
That does seem a bit late, at this rate you will be getting both scans at nearly the same time! We've got a private scan booked as well cos my hubby works away a lot, it's not as expensive as I expected (£55) for a basic scan more if you have a fancy more detailed one tho. Hope you manage to sort something.
The worst part is- Is you cant do a nuchal at 17 weeks.. clearly they havent read my notes properly.
That's true, def get onto that Monday maybe they can squeeze you in somewhere.
I'd check with hospital as I thought first scan had to be between 11 and 14 weeks for reliable dating and nuchal measurement......17 weeks does seem awfully late! xx
I agree with amanda on my letter i got from the hospital today it says you will receive an ultrasound scan, which is usually performed when you are between 11 and 14 weeks pregnant, which is in line with national screening committee recommendations. Id call them hunny x x

Def call up and change esp if u want downs test etc cause they have to do it within a certain time frame xx
Hi I had to wait for my first scan too I was 16 weeks and that was bad enough I feel for you hun, I did nothing but worry until my scan it was awful but they wouldnt change they said its just the way it is and that there was a huge waiting list at the moment a bit rubbish but they were able to tell me the sex at 16 weeks which perked me up a little. Had my 20 week scan at 22 weeks aswel for the same reason. I just had the triple test done for downs as we were too late for the nuchal scan too but thankfully it came back very low risk, if it will really put your mind at ease id say £55 for a private scan is well worth it.
Thanks Girls,

Nuchal scan can only be done between 11-14weeks, so they have made an error on the form, because clearly they havent checked how many weeks pregnant i am.

I've chilled out a bit about it now, just going to call them first thing monday. If they can't see me earlier,
Im gonna go back to my hospital in London, where im still registered and i can walk-in and get a scan.

Im shocked. One end of the country you can drop in a get a reassurance scan when you feel like it, here ive gotta wait til 17 weeks.... doesn't make sense. I guess different NHS areas have different £££ allowances.

Thanks for all your comments girls, i'll update you on monday! xx
leiballoo, my midwife mentioned the triple test, she said something its the same as the nuchal?

What is the triple test exactly?xx
leiballoo, my midwife mentioned the triple test, she said something its the same as the nuchal?

What is the triple test exactly?xx

It's not always possible to have the nuchal scan at your first scan because of the position baby is lying in - they need to be able to measure the back of the neck. Mine was lying on his back and they couldn't get to it - so I just had the blood test, which is what the triple test is I believe xx
i had my scans at 11 weeks, 16 weeks and i've got one booked for 22 weeks.... also got to have one at 28 weeks... first scan at 17 weeks is s**t!!
Triple test isn't as reliable as the Nuchal test and bloods taken at same time, Triple test measure 3 types of hormones, Nuchal test and bloods measures hormones and the fluid at back of baby's neck
I ended up having my scan at 15.4 weeks (we thought it would be 16.4 ) this was due to the hospital loosing the bit of paper that booked you in to the scan unit. My mw ended up ringing the hospital at my 16 week appointment to find out why i had not had my scan and she got me squeezed in for a scan 2 days later.

I had the triple test which is a blood test i got the results in 5 days. I have my next scan at 20weeks 6 days as which is normal as the 2nd scan is supposed to be between 20 and 22 weeks
wooooooo hoo ladies i called, they apoplogised for not checking notes properly.

There was a clear mistake as you cannot do a nuchal scan at 17 weeks!

They moved it back and squeezed me in on the 1st April- Ill be 13 + 4 :)

Thanks for all the replies xx

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