1st Fertility appointment - total waste of time!


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Dec 15, 2010
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As the tittle says I had my first fertility appointment today, honestly was the biggest waste of time.

The first thing the doctor says when we went in was she did not have access to any of my notes as the system was down, I had taken copies of all my previous blood test/ scans etc. I showed her them, she spent all of a minute looking at them them disregarded them. I also explained I have been POAS for 5 months and the test line has never gone as dark as the control line, I always get just a very faint tline throughout the whole cycle - she said that meant nothing, an my temps do not rise and fall as they should.

The doctor has requested that my FSH bloods, 21 day bloods, HSG and PCOS STI and Rubella blood tests all be repeated. :wall2:! I have had all these tests done over the last 18 months a minimum of 3 times, some of them more. Do they really need to be done again?!

This is the second fertility specialist in 18months, the first one discharged me after the first appointment as more bloods came back normal and I had a period the week before - so he assumed I must be ovulating! It has taken me the last 16 months to get the doctors to refer me back and then I had to wait 8 weeks for appointment.

Anyway at the end of todays appointment I was given all the blood forms and then asked to make a follow up appointment and book scan at reception. Over I went to be told my PCOS scan would take place on 5th July, for the HGS, they would write to me with a 'code' so I can phone up and book, but the current waiting list is 8-12 weeks. Then my follow up appointment with the specialist is 18/01/2012 - the earliest they have!!

I was so shocked when I asked the receptionist to repeat the date, she did suggest I wait until september then keep trying for cancellations.

Do they really expect me to wait until then!! I came away and just burst into tears I feel like the last 18months of tests have all been a waste of time and I am no better off. OH has suggested we go private but given the fact in Surrey they do not pay for any IVF treatment I am really reluctant to start paying now as i don't want the money to run out.

Sorry for the rant! I just really need to get this off my chest. I really feel like giving up after today. Its obviously not meant to be.

Hope you are feeling a bit better today. I competely know how you feel, I have been treated the same as you - i had a miscarriage a year ago and went for several scans after it as things felt very wrong with my body. All sorts of things were found (infections etc) and ignored, and only 14 months or so later have I finally seen a fertility specialist who has found a cyst in my uterus and polycystic ovaries both basically making me infertile for the last year. Been fobbed off by so many doctors its unbelievable - they all think they know best right?! I can't even count how many times I went to GP in last year.

I don't know what advice to offer really, you could follow the complaints procedure with your nhs there, it may make them listen!! The fact that you have been trying so long really means you should have been seen a few times by now. It might be worth calling the specialists office up and explaining your worries - you never know it might work.

The waiting list they have is ridiculous!!!!! I thought mine was bad - have to wait 7 weeks or so for next appt just to be told to get cyst removed, when they could have booked me in last time for it doing. Don't you just feel like you are being passed around? I know I do. Maybe you could just have one private consultation with a specialist, even if its just to find out what they will do next....

Sorry I haven't had more to say, just wanted you to know you're not alone. Feel free to PM me if you ever want to chat. I feel very lonely in all this too as no-one in our family or friends knows. Its so hard isnt it? Hang in there, that's my new mantra!!

Good luck and keep in touch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi sarah,

Thanks for replying today - feeling much better mainly because I actually got a dark line on my OPK this morning! :dance: This is the first one for 5 months so very excited.

We :bd: last night, just trying to work out whether to again tonight or wait until Friday.

This morning OH booked a private appointment for th 21st June - after speaking to the doctor he does not feel we need to repeat all the tests again. its going to cost around 300 pounds as part of this I will have one scan for PCOS again and one blood test to be done a week before the appointment and hour long consulation. The doctor says he will provde whatever medication is needed ( clomid / progesterone) dependent on this one blood test.

I think our situation is made worse by the fact everyone in our family knows, and OH's sister is 11 weeks pregnant so i hear lots about that too. I am really pleased for her as she has also been trying for around 3 years.

I am still planning on keeping all my appointments with NHS just incase but I really can't believe how differently we are being treated privately. What stage are you at now with your Doctors?

rachel xxx
What a joke :/

I think that the results only last for 6 months which might explain it, but what i don't understand is why do didn't progress further after you other sets of results :eh:

Nah, that appointment date is bs. For some reason they are trying to stall you.

As soon as you get your date for your HSG, add 4 weeks to the date to give time to get the results and phone up the department secretary - not the specialists secretary if you can avoid it.

Tell them that they gave you a date in January assuming that it would take longer to get a HSG appointment, so now that you have the date for your HSG you would like to amend the date to see the specialist to around (insert date).

I did that and the appointment they got me was the following week and two months earlier than they initially told me.
I'm sorry to hear that Rachel! I don't understand how they can treat people like this!! I really hope you figure it out soon!

Lots of luck hun!

Hi Rachel

Very glad you have got in with the private specialist. I'm just sorry that its going to cost you so much when it should be done on the nhs! Its so ridiculous isn't it? I thought about complaining but I didn't know where to start - I'd like to just complain generally to the nhs really!

Well we are just waiting for our next appointment on the 21st of June where we will see the actual fertility doctor. The nurse said he will book me in for the cyst I have removing and discuss any treatment I might need. I personally don't believe it'll be that simple and I'll probably be sent away once again knowing nothing and still with no chance of getting pregnant!

That must be hard work with everyone knowing. Sometimes I wish some of my family knew but then also I don't want to upset them or anything (plus I think its VERY hard to understand this stuff if you haven't been through it). I'm getting close to telling my Mum cos she never stops with her 'oo when you have children..' comments - we aren't that close though and I don't think she'd understand really.

I hope things go well at the appointment, its weird how ours are on the same day!!!! We can have a good old feeback session together in the evening!

Keep us posted.....and get bding!! xxxxxxxxx

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