16 week midwife appt


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Had this today, didn't really know what to expect, so for those of you yet to have it this is what happened:
Checked urine sample
Checked blood pressure
Checked bump
Used Doppler (pea kept kicking it :lol: )
General chat about how I was feeling and that's it :)
That's good to know thanks :) Glad it went well. Got mine on 5 August.

ooh thanks for that i have mine 2 weeks today just hope i am feeling better by then as its at 9am!! i am hoping they will use a doppler but at my booking in session she said that they don't really do that anymore as it justs proves that the heart is beating at the moment and doesn't check that all is ok! nice cheery midwife i have lol
I had two midwives in there today cos one was training. They say I have a little wriggle bum in there - I prefer future kickboxer ;)
Haha! I love how your little pea kept kicking the Doppler :D I love it when they do things like that! X x x
yay thanks for the heads up...how long did the appointment take on average...I have to go back to work after mine and they always ask me like im gonna know lol
oooh fab news!
glad all is well. lucky u for having a nice midwife, mines is a cow lol x
Had mine last week and they did the exact same. Also had a trainee in!
Felt sorry for her cos she was feeling bump snd using doppler in a 16wk pksition, even tho I was 17, and was getting quite confused when she couldnt find baby. Turns out baby was positioned as an 18-19wk baby so was higher up. Poor girl... first day, first appt and she gets my swkward baby :-)
I was reading in another thread that they don't use the Doppler any more at 16 weeks??? I'm confused!! It doesn't take much lol. Do they or don't they?? x x x
I was reading in another thread that they don't use the Doppler any more at 16 weeks??? I'm confused!! It doesn't take much lol. Do they or don't they?? x x x

My midwife said they (the trust) had stopped using doppler at 10 weeks and were thinking of stopping using it at 16 weeks too - didn't stop her trying at 10 weeks though! ;)
Depends on your area I think.
I was reading in another thread that they don't use the Doppler any more at 16 weeks??? I'm confused!! It doesn't take much lol. Do they or don't they?? x x x

I think the majority dont use it untill after 16 weeks. Even though they might get a HB before then, it would probably take a good wee while to find it, and I can imagine some people getting distressed if they cant find it ect.

I'd imagine every hospital is different.

I've had it done at every appointment after 19 weeks

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